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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Whut?!?!? I have several copies -- at least 2 on DVD, one on laserdisc, and I think I even have one on VHS. Yes, that was part of what I saw anew. I guess I just didn't describe that part, but yes, that.
  2. What about the two geese or whatever those are (top middle of the throw-up)? Or did whoever cooked it forget to cook them for long enough? Or maybe that's why he's throwing up, because geese tickle. (waits for "your goose is not cooked" joke)
  3. "...sparrow fart..."
  4. But why is he throwing up leaves? Or fire? Or leaves mixed with fire?
  5. This apparently throwing-up bear adorns a wine bottle.
  6. (thinks) Don't remember. Most of the Lucasisms were early in the movie (opening act and credits and the computer "terminal" stuff -- like the three triangles tracking the cars -- throughout), so I don't think so. And yes, it's such a beautiful fucking scene, I think I would've remembered if they fucked with it, but I have to admit, I was in a particularly good mood that night, and was quite forgiving. I love that movie so hard. Hadn't watched it in a while when we watched it a couple weeks ago. Saw something I don't remember seeing before: The gunman who was controlling the trash man, Batou is saying things like "he's using armor piercing ammo in a cheap submachine gun? Oh, that things gonna overheat and jam for sure" or something to that effect...anyway, just before he lets off one of his final barrages (when they're all standing in about one foot of water), he changes his stance. Because he has armor-piercing ammo in a submachine gun. He practically has to lean into it. I love all the gun talk in those movies. Batou would be right at home on Gun-Fi. "What did you hit it with?" "Oh, just your standard issue BFG." (I know that's not the correct quote, but that's how I would have translated it.) I love that movie so hard. Need to borrow it from Hirsch and watch it again. And watch all the extras. 'n'stuff.
  7. Orthodox? The reason I ask is, I was raised Orthodox (Christian, that is). Or perhaps Mayan?
  8. Alternatively, you could just say, 'fuck it', and reload everything. Oh.
  9. I actually have all those Bruford records (Feels Good to Me, One of a Kind, and Gradually Going Tornado) back from when they originally came out -- love that stuff!
  10. Bu-buh-but, the EYE CANDY!!!1! No, that's GITS 2.0 -- I believe there still is a regular GITS on Blu-Ray, isn't there? (wanders off, looks it up) Over a hundred dollars?!?!? Jesus. Yeah, it's my favorite anime of all time, but I'm just not ready to commit to that kind of expenditure to see it on Blu-Ray. GITS 2.0 is worth seeing at least once.
  11. Yes. No, I don't know what it is. What is it exactly that you are changing? I think iTunes keeps the iLibrary meta-data in two different places. I'll google later and see if I can find the link I found previously, when I was going to try to move an entire library to a different machine, on an entirely different disk/partition/folder/geographical coordinates. Or you can just wait for someone else to pipe in with the answer.
  12. Me -- lots of human food, a couple pairs of shoes, some postage. Really, not Ghost in teh Shell: Innocence? Oh yeah, that's right, we already had this discussion.
  13. The only thing I can think of is that because she was the vice president of finance, there was no-one else to answer to. I mean Jesus, that's no insignificant part of one's profit. Someone needs to put the on her bad, I don't care if she's a girl. And there's no way they're going to reclaim even a small fraction of that stuff. Boutique clothes lose their value by at least tenfold as soon as they're purchased -- a lot of times, they're only expected to be worn once, so there's no returns on that sort of thing. I was once at a boutique and we were taking pictures, and the shopkeeper came out and made us stop taking pictures.
  14. Dude! A dCS stack would be on my short list of top 3 setups I ever want to hear, ever.
  15. Drove around -- post office (Xmas presents, Oppo for the upgrade), shoe store, groceries. Was totally obliviously flirted with. Realized later. Tried to flirt with some other girls. Was dissed. Ack, one of these days, the twain shall meet.
  16. And Hurdy-Gurdy as well as some other instruments I don't recognize: Eluveitie
  17. Mine outgoing are finally on their way. Sorry, again, Jin and Dmitriy, hopefully you'll like them enough. Feel free to post pictures of the packaging, it's 'very me', I'm kind of proud of having found that wrapping paper. Jin -- open the round one first.
  18. This is what I do: Change my settings to lossless; Rip CD's (usually, a batch at a time); Change my options to lossy (specifically, MP3, 228? something VBR); Select all the Apple Lossless files I just generated (sort by Date Added makes it easy, as long as I'm not doing anything else with iTunes, which I have to admit, I've done once or thrice); Right-click -> create MP3 version; Profit! I actually keep them in two separate folders, too, but that also requires me to stop the thing when I hit "okay" after changing my settings. Let me know if you need more detail, or if that helps. Bitrate is up to you -- I started out lossless, then went to 320, then went to where I am now -- and that's sufficient. This is mostly for car listening, so my requirements are even lower than yours, but I have it set higher than I can hear by a goodly margin.
  19. Welcome to four posts ago.
  20. I don't think this will be an issue since he is essentially just ripping his CD's.
  21. No, Amarra is Mac only at this point.
  22. I'm usually in Linux, but when I'm in Windows, I have no problem using iTunes. But I have to admit, I'm not a "computer as primary source" kind of guy -- it's still secondary to me. So take everything I say with a grain of salt, and realize it's just my opinion.
  23. Although using the Mac will be nice, there is nothing inadequate about your current setup -- it should be fine. Either iTunes set on "paranoid", or EAC and...er...some software to play it, perhaps foobar2000 or something. I personally like iTunes. I agree with the precept that going "ruggedized"/waterproof/whatnot might be a better option. I'm not sure they have ruggedized/waterproof external hard drives, though. And they certainly don't have ruggedized Macs.
  24. Grizz Volga
  25. I expect impressions once you've had it on your wrist for a while. Please, and thank you in advance.
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