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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Have you checked Delaware yet, Dan?
  2. Let me know how it is, I actually saw that at a used CD store today and almost bought it.
  3. Incorrect. Reminds me of the joke, right? It'ain't this, and it'ain't that. Joke still works, if you point.
  4. I should do mine too -- the main reason I have mine is to bias tube amps. Is that the same thing as voltage? I mean, that's kind of a loaded question, because obviously it's not, but is checking its ability to measure resistance accurately the same as checking its ability to measure voltage accurately? I don't think they have high tolerance batteries.
  5. I should get mine back tomorrow or the day after (depending on when it shows up -- if it shows up after 3, my mail room won't bring it 'round 'til the next day). I can either do a comparo with Hirsch's before his goes out (he ordered his on 12/31, so it'll be tight), or ask my boss to bring in his, and (assuming he says yes) do the comparison alone at work.
  6. Well...yours are, but I don't know if that's true for everyone.
  7. Sucks, Colin. But at least you get to meet Epica.
  8. I want to get a slow motion camera just for him. I want the following film: (low to the floor, looking through doorway into kitchen, framed by doorway) (nothing happens) (for perhaps just a beat too long, nothing continues to happen) (dust starts to blow in from stage left, it is now obvious that this is slow motion) (cat enters from stage left, "drifting", going sideways from sheer momentum, scrambling for traction) (cat continues from stage left to stage right, "drifting") (cat exits stage right, still "drifting") (fade to black)
  9. Mark Ecko
  10. You bastard, you bought the Moth?
  11. I just received that $30 watch that was posted a while back -- I had totally forgotten I ordered it, and for a second there thought I had bought it off eBay, because I was looking at other IK Colouring watches there (specifically, the one with the alternately polarizing/not polarizing face). And I didn't remember paying for anything there. And on a completely unrelated note -- this is so hawt:
  12. Context sure seemed to imply otherwise, wrongboy.
  13. She looks cold.
  14. My cat has taken to bouncing off vertical things. I think he's trying to recreate this scene from Daywatch: Day Watch - Car | SPIKE
  15. This. In 30 words or less, even.
  16. ...just sounds too much like 'GS1000'.
  17. A couple more additions: Bear in Heaven, Beast Rest Forth Mouth -- Yes, I really did enjoy it that much. The XX, XX Tokio Hotel, Humanoid -- too poppy for the "darkest desires" set, too hard for the pop set, just right for me. Fever Ray Yello, Touch Yello That rocks something awesome. (For those not familiar, it's a cover of the M.I.A. song.) Hey, if you haven't heard of them already, you should check out the Bad Plus.
  18. Oh you bastard. Me: various flavors of human food*, including pumpkin, key lime, and cinnamon/honey; chicken flavored cat food. * Never gets old.
  19. ...unless indians attack, in which case they may have to drive in circles for a while.
  20. Now with less flimsy!
  21. Two more: OSI, Blood -- contemporary progressive, alternating between hard and experimental/melancholy/ambient/whatever you want to call it, quite possibly their best since the first one. Placebo, Battle for the Sun -- easily my favorite Placebo release ever. Songwriting fine-tuned down to Garbage standards (which, for me, is pretty high).
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