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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Good for lollers, though.
  2. I'm actually more surprised that you found a chocolate concoction that goes well with booze -- I don't usually find that to be the case. Me: samich. Only brief cute girl sighting. I think she reads this forum. CG -- I'm not going to chase you, you're half my age. But dang, in any other country, you'd be idolized.
  3. [knuckledragger]WAT.[/knuckledragger]
  4. May I just be the first to say, Happy Unbirthday!
  5. Spain's got talent All I could think was, I hope that's not one of the ones where everyone dies at the end. Those can be pretty brutal.
  6. That was mean. It made me laugh. I don't see a budget/price/cost mentioned. Fisher? I'm going to continue to flout Musical Fidelity because I love them so much: Nu-Vista M3 or Tri-Vista 300 (both were said to be able to drive my Dynaudio 4 ohm speakers, despite not stating so in the specs). Amazon.com: Musical Fidelity A5.5 Integrated Amplifier: Electronics AudiogoN ForSale: Musical Fidelity A-1001 Other manufacturers that I would recommend: AudiogoN ForSale: Cambridge Audio Azur 840 A v2 (except, you know, zero feedback) AudiogoN ForSale: Cambridge Audio Azur 840A v2 AudiogoN ForSale: Marantz Reference PM-KI-pearl
  7. This is so awesome -- the most hook-laden thing she's been involved with since How to Measure a Planet. I
  8. Re: conspiracy theory -- isn't it (the scandal) big enough? I say the chances are negligably small.
  9. Four? 'Proper'? You don't count Light at the End of the World? Why not? Not 80's? Or because it didn't come out on vinyl? Or because it was an attempt at a revival? Yes, I have it. No, I don't know if I've listened to it or not. And no, if I have, I certainly don't remember if it's any good or not. So yeah, YMMV, grain of salt, blah blah bellah.
  10. Anneke Van Giersbergen & Agua De Annique, In Your Room
  11. Yes, exactly, no "lulzomgwtfbbq" or drunken typos or nuthin'.
  12. Laser-etched cake? Laser-etched front panel? Pet branding?
  13. Me: (committed to) buying a Kindle DX
  14. A bunch of adapters that allow you to use 120V/60Hz equipment on a different continent?
  15. I say it's pretty easy. If your accountant is the one stealing money from your account, he does up a little spreadsheet where the numbers all add up. Oh, and: they did. Finally.
  16. NP: SE (In the Nursery, Hindle Wakes)
  17. I have a pretty solid amp (Musical Fidelity A308CR), we can probably run two off the one, depending on the load they present.
  18. The part that sucks is, in order to get the best value on reselling all her stuff is, they have to move quickly on it, but it's going to be tied up as evidence.
  19. 's'truth, but at that point, the decision is moot. He could still make it if he heard someone or something was going to be there at the beginning.
  20. I can bring a spare if you want. Can you chain trafo's of one amp?
  21. Who are you, and what have you done with Billy?
  22. I agree with you completely -- especially in this area. And the funny thing is, I don't think it's entirely tech-related. Some of it has to do with economy (people just are being more frugal than previously), and some of it has to do with agreements (like the AT&T/Apple/iPhone one) that needs to play out before something else can happen.
  23. I have a co-worker who is selling her Kindle DX + red leather cover + protective gel for back + remainder of extended warranty ($663 value) for $400 -- good deal? I'm thinking about it. The cheapest I'm seeing a DX by itself previously having been sold on eBay is $398, so I'm thinking the extended warranty alone makes this worth it.
  24. Well, you never know until the meet actually starts as to what's going to be there. Unfortunately.
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