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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. They should sound more or less the same. The biggest difference is that the disk drive will eventually fail in the iPod, and the EPROM on the USB stick will eventually fail (I'm not sure which way the comparison goes, unfortunately). Are you sure the car radio will be able to play files off the USB stick? It probably does, but it might be there specifically for an iPod (this I'm not so sure about).
  2. Compared the Oppo BDP-83 with the BDP-83SE upgrade. It should be said that there was only 1 hour of burn-in on the newer one, and at least a hundred -- if not hundreds -- on the old one. It's worth the upgrade just for the better stereo separation alone, especially with headphone listening, clearly, audibly better. Bass is just a touch more on the old one, but can only be heard on the best of headphones, and it's close enough that I'll just get used to it. Top end is nice and extended. Old one might just be a little smoother, and at the same time just a touch punchier, but only one of us could hear the latter difference (I.E. not me). I suspect the smoothness factor will go away with more burn-in, but will never know, since the other is being shipped off as soon as the RMA is received. I might ask my boss to bring his (old one) in after a month or so to see if we can tell the same differences.
  3. The sarcasm detection is weak in this one...
  4. Definitely cover the whole thing, that's what Hirsch uses, and it's very easy to deal with.
  5. I don't intend to travel with it, and if I do, I'll get a hard case or something. Thanks for the advice. PS I went ahead. She's not expecting to see any money until April at the earliest, which is really nice of her. My co-worker said she didn't have any trouble with the extended warranty people -- they even shipped her a new one before she shipped back the broken one, so that she wouldn't have to be without. So I think I'll go to her for advice on how to deal with them if I do.
  6. Very red Invicta
  7. You're branching out, from Mike Oldfield to...Mike Oldfield-like music. If you like that one, also check out Magician's Hat (my personal favorite).
  8. Alright, I gotta ask -- what happened? Did you accidentally throw it out?
  9. Your 'gred' is dead.
  10. Went around to all the Wegman'ses trying to scoop up all the canned Pet Promise cat food that they discontinued (and is cheaper by half than the next least expensive). Ended up with 29 cans. Need to find another brand or another source. While there, I checked all the beer departments. Paid especial attention to Dogfish Head and Sierra Nevada areas, found nothing of note (other than the Kellerweis and Porters which I thought worth trying). Did find some nice Chimay ponies -- bought one of each. Also bought a "Magnum" of the Anchor -- that thing is just silly huge -- it looks more like a stage prop than anything else. Not real.
  11. Dusty Chalk

    Canjam 2010.

    That would suck, Stretchy-poo.
  12. Meh. So hawt. Yes, I'm shallow. All about style over substance. Except it needs to be black. With red LED's.
  13. My experience is that shielded was good for me, but (a) I also confirmed that I needed it even with a short run, and ( I was using the sub's crossovers and ran the crossover point pretty high (Spendor S3/5's -- was using subs as the third in a faux-3-way speaker) so for all I know, was getting twice the signal strength right at 60 Hz. It certainly wouldn't hurt. Dew et.
  14. Have a happy birthday and all that jazz!
  15. I'm not familiar with iTunes with Squeezebox, but if others are using it, then it must be so. Other than that, I would recommend using iTunes w/Apple lossless -- it does everything else that you ask.
  16. Not necessarily bad -- you won't be paying for that initial depreciation.
  17. Thanks for making that differentiation -- I had missed that previously.
  18. That's probably why he got slammed -- the description doesn't match what other people have been hearing. Maybe got a defective one?
  19. I basically agree with this, but come to a slightly different conclusion. Since I hate most car repair people anyway, and since I especially hate dealer repair people, I'd get a car that someone like Consumer Reports rates as needing the least amount of service (FF>> to answer == Honda, Toyota, Nissan), and then find the one technician in the area I felt I could trust (which I have -- he's down in Waldorf, unfortunately). And hope and prey that I don't need any dealer service. So if you think you have a technician you think you can trust, go ahead and get a G3/Vibe, since yes, it is basically a rebadged Matrix. Or you could just get a Matrix, but good luck finding a new one for under $10K. I'm thinking you'll have to stick to used for that, and not lightly -- at least middlin'. But I haven't been watching car prices -- neither new nor used -- since the crash...uh, the auto industry crash, not an actual car crash.
  20. I agree with monkey, it's not $31M in designer clothes, it's probably a lot less, plus the giant warehouse -- did you see where that was? I bet the rent on that alone is pretty inordinate. And yeah, I don't doubt for a minute that she probably paid for a lot of consumables / disposables / non-returnable money (limousine services etc.).
  21. I intend to put as many hours as I can, but 100 seems overkill. Bug? I thought it was just a configuration parameter, settable in one of the menus? If this "bug" is something other than "the default is PCM", please do explain. They upgraded my firmware. Your mom just made me firm. Who the fuck are you? Oh, okay, I think I know. And no, we like power cords for power cords. Safe, insulated power cords.
  22. I'm hoping those numbers don't scale the same. The trick is to match the amp to a transducer that sounds good out of a dynafet -- like the JH13's (I'm guessing) or the Sony MDR-7506/-V6 (which sounds good out of a laptop jack -- not as good as with a real headphone amp, but it doesn't "scale like a bastard" like amp-hungry headphones do).
  23. I didn't shovel neither, but I doubt it's going to melt, I didn't leave the house 'til after noon, and it didn't look like it was going anywhere. But since it's just a dusting, I'm not going to worry about it.
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