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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Good choice on the sourdough, but right now I want some bbq. But for real: salmon red curry from Pilin.
  2. Sounds like you made a good choice! I've heard a lot of good things about Hyundai recently, and not just from Steve.
  3. I disagree (that they won't come out of this alive). They basically were doing so well that someone could hide US$10M of thievery. If they can convince an investor of that, they can surely make back any investment and more. And of course, with the promise of internal controls audits this time. I mean, it would be just sad if the company went under as the result of one person's greed, when the rest of it was doing so well.
  4. Dusty Chalk

    Canjam 2010.

  5. Dusty Chalk

    Canjam 2010.

  6. Dusty Chalk

    Canjam 2010.

    I do.
  7. Exactly what blew me away. Also, did you read the various different credits? ...Scratched Alex Roman's butt | Alex Roman Did Alex Roman's sleeping for him | everyone else
  8. Dusty Chalk

    Canjam 2010.

    When are the actual daytime headphone activities? Friday Saturday Sunday?
  9. Recommend watching it on full-screen, and with sound. The music is nothing spectacular, but the sound editing is quite nice. And then read the end credits. And then watch it again.
  10. WAT.
  11. Philips MCD709/37, and save the rest. Oh, whoops, sorry, not two-channel. EDIT: Yes it is, it's just 2.1. I think. They also have a surround version that's <US$1K. Make sure you get the faux-rosewood finish speakers with the ribbon tweeters.
  12. [dusty]Watch better movies.[/dusty]
  13. There were some pretty good used CD and vinyl stores when I went there every couple months back in the late 90's -- anyone know if any of them still exist?
  14. I can has "E.X.P." in surround?!?!? Oh, and: Huzzah!
  15. Winner, most obscure 80's one-hit wonder reference.
  16. I'm thinking you should just hire a babysitter, Dinny. The resolution in the theater is something like 4x 1080p, I read recently (which I think really means 16x).
  17. Yeah, see, that sounds like hardware, so you may be right.
  18. I'm not of this mind at all. If you were aware of just how lofty bigwigs at companies can be, and how much they depend on the information of their subordinates, you'd have no problem believing (as I do) that this is isolated to at least as high up as her (obviously I would have no problem believing that her immediate subordinates at least knew about it).
  19. 3D is not really right around the corner (although I doubt that would stop HDMI 1.4 from introducing it as a standard, I just don't think hardly anyone will use it right away). ...unless of course that's what they're waiting for. Some updates can be done entirely in software (3D), but yeah, wireless internet might be different. That said, I don't really like wireless, so don't care. (I like wired.)
  20. Dollhouse -- jesus christ...x2!
  21. Nothing to be ashamed of, I'm not a Stones fan, neither. It just stands out to me, easily the weirdest placed comma in all of rock and roll.
  22. Nope, but both are now officially on pre-order -- which is more than could have been said even a couple months ago.
  23. Any feelings on the Outlaw vs. Emotiva question, anyone? Emotiva UMC-1 appears to have Dolby Digital Plus over the Outlaw 997, but the Outlaw has DTS-24/96 over the Emotiva. I realize these are minor, wouldn't mind hearing from someone who has more video experience than I saying which I'm more likely to run into more. The Emotiva appears to have video scaling, nothing about the Outlaw.
  24. I forgot to bring it home over the weekend. So the only impression so far is that it's low maintenance. You forgot the comma. (Not a Stones fan?)
  25. I think that's the exact one I got with mine -- even in smooth "race car" red. It didn't smell, but I didn't get it new. But then again, it didn't smell at all, so...who knows? And the red is fine. It's not "me", but other than that, it's fine.
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