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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. And I didn't even have a chance to say, "dew et".
  2. Oh, I'll be doing it, that's a given, it's just a matter of when.
  3. x4 -- lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself, etc.
  4. So apparently there's a very good reason for the hostilities towards China: Google to China: Fuck you
  5. Damn right! Some new entries from Invicta:
  6. Yeah, that's why I used the word, "prefer" -- I try to be careful, sorry for any confusion.
  7. China to Google: "We buy you."
  8. I didn't mean it disparagingly. I'm just saying you probably wouldn't tolerate much distortion before you'd be ready to replace the set.
  9. Remember this is the guy who can prefer an old raw digital master over an MFSL of the same. My point being he's pretty picky.
  10. Absolutely top 10 of the decade for me. I listen to it once or twice a day when I get in one of those phases. I swear I want to learn it and cover it in its entirety (for those unfamiliar with it, it's largely arpeggiator driven, so it'd be like learning to play very repetitive, sequenced music).
  11. That's hilarious. etc.
  12. Win. +Awesome. =Winsome.
  13. Did you guys read that in the review of ...uh...some beer...Rogue Santa Reserve?...Life & Limb?...that Hops everywhere are low this year? Any truth to that at all? Is that affecting you guys at all? Sorry, not finding the reference, but basically the guy started out by saying he was expecting something maltier because of the problem, but it ended up not being.
  14. Level means they're comparable, not the same. (That's the way I read it, anyways. Grain of salt isn't always bad for one's blood pressure.)
  15. I should also mention that we had to ramp down the volume on the SE quite a bit (40%, IIRC) in order to volume match it with the old one, and that should theoretically be happening in the digital domain (which, theoretically, is bad), and could account for the slight lack of smoothness. Didn't feel like taking the time to find two of the exact same amp or something. Me: had dinner with my sister -- that's always nice.
  16. I don't know about the Magico Minis, but I've heard the Reference 3.1 (basically that [strada] + woofer), and it sounds pretty fucking awesome. I'll be getting a set for my HT setup, I think (receiver plus those, or pre/pro + active speakers, not sure which, but the latter would preclude the Stradas, so I think the former, yes). It's also awesomer for HT because wider sweet spot. Anything flat like that will "beam".
  17. I don't think it was the DX that she replaced, but I'll ask. Yeah, that kind of sucks.
  18. I believe the word should be, "interviewer". Oh, and what's wrong with manic? I like manic. It's the hair.
  19. Delia Gonzalez & Gavin Russom, Days of Mars
  20. You know, that'd actually be pretty cool if he didn't (cut them apart). (I fully expect a "oh, that's just stupid, you can't do that, you'd cut off all the breathing from anything underneath it...". But still, it'd be neat looking.)
  21. A hint towards your answer lies here: ...but it's a whole esthetic thing.
  22. "Workaholics seeking validation" -- damn! That was my dad to a T! And he loved Ayn Rand.
  23. Aw snap!
  24. They lost me at "mold"; I nearly ralphed when they told me those little plumes were mold spores.
  25. Or deer being driven out of their forest by (over)development.
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