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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. That must be some pretty good salt.
  2. From the article: "Playing guitar"? 215? Maybe she's dead!
  3. I ended up canceling my order, not because they weren't bang-on the best/most fun Grado cans for the money -- because they are -- but because they couldn't do anything any of my higher-end cans couldn't do, and I couldn't justify them as beaters. It'd be like being a collector of Breitlings and Rolexes and etc., and then buying something lower end, but still limited. Limited == not a 'beater'.
  4. "BSI"?
  5. Nothing wrong with dolphins or wanting dolphins if that's what you were going for (or seeing someone else's pride tattoos, for that matter), but if he wanted sharks, then he should get sharks.
  6. This, except everyone is here. For some reason I find the relaxed atmosphere of a holiday combined with the comradery of other people being here as optimal for getting work done.
  7. I did read the article after -- that really sucks that he can't bring some of his intellectual capital with him -- however lowbrow some of it might be, it should be his, and they should give it to him as part of the deal, in exchange for not having given him enough time to develop -- but I think he's up to the challenge. A lot of those repeat bits I never understood the repetition factor (well, the Chuck Norris lever I understood, but since NBC was providing him those clips, that one I understand him having to leave), but Triumph was always fresh and entertaining. Here's to hoping that Smigel gets involved for a legal win. I'm sure Conan can come up with other bits that will be even more hilarious and more cutting-edge than he was before, and I agree that he should just let loose -- that would rock. I would love to see him completely uncensored.
  8. That's a long way to go for a hard boiled egg. Me: BBQ Pork from Canton Cafe
  9. Black Lung, Full Spectrum Dominance
  10. Three miles is a bit much, but parabolic microphones can do some great distances.
  11. Oh, that would suck so hard. Triumph was always one the greatest bits to get a full on uncontrolled laugh out of me. (whimper)
  12. Dude, get it fixed, they look like fucking dolphins going "oooo". Sorry, hate to be blunt, but I'd be a lot more pissed than you're being. On the other hand, when you're diving, they'll be right-side up. Oh wait, you won't be wearing them then, never mind.
  13. You can do it, but at 1/20, it's not worth the effort. 590V is close enough to 620V that you'd probably have to A/B the two to be able to hear the difference, but wouldn't be able to hear it on its own. "Probably".
  14. So you're redesigning a digital interface? Like Coax or XLR? Sorry for the mundane question, I guess I'm just trying to point out that you're really NOT trying to redesign a digital interface, you just want to amplify it enough to get from point A to point B. I don't know if that helps, though.
  15. I don't have a center channel and it sounds just fine -- see "phantom center channel" (any pre/pro or receiver can do this -- you just "tell" it that you don't have a center channel, and it should automatically mix the center channel to the front left and right). PS Logitech 'Surrounder'
  16. Really? You're going to be just like those uneducated high school boys that I saw a special on so many years ago, you're just going to raise your hands and say, "not my problem"? Really? At least get a vasectomy, you irresponsible, self-centered, hedonistic coward.
  17. The only thing Dusty like more than black is black mother of pearl (or, "off-black of the psychedelic variety", as I like to call it). Damn, that's $200 I didn't want to spend. I really need to get on the ball and sell some stuff.
  18. I love the Mendelssohn.
  19. I bet you're really Conan O'Brien. I mean, you do have a lot of time on your hands right now, don't you?
  20. "Better to remain silent and be thought the fool, then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt", neh?
  21. Maybe it's because there isn't anything positive to say about it. Do the triple-fi 10's really need amplification? (I.E. in the same way the JH13 doesn't really need additional amplification?) I would point him in that direction. I have been happy with both Etymotic ER-6i and Yuin ...I forget, PK-1, PK-2? ...without additional amplification.
  22. On the contrary, even though I'm (relatively) silent (on the subject), I remain interested -- thanks for the update! No rush, school comes first and all that.
  23. Diorama, The Art of Creating Confusing Spirits (Diary of Dreams side-project -- dark synthpop)
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