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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Cracklin' Oat Bran -- looks like dog food, but tastes really good.
  2. Castle -- felt like last episode of season, and yet not. Really particularly good episode.
  3. "Cat o' nine tails" except it's 8.
  4. Oh, you fucker, where did you find Within Temptation? I need to get me a copy of that. (I know, it's not that hard to find.)
  5. Yes.
  6. Wait, what? Why? Are there that many remasters/reboxings?
  7. :rimshot:
  8. Dusty Chalk

    Canjam 2010.

    That's fucked up. I bet there are people who would be willing to swap (wanted doubles the entire time, got a king, and vice versa).
  9. These. I believe the term is "golden parachute". Don't get me wrong, I still feel a little bit bad for him for not getting the chance to succeed, but yeah, US$40M buys a lot of watches happy material acquisitions.
  10. I choose to interpret what they're saying as something other than this. I don't think they're saying it makes the world go round, I'm hearing that the hunger for more money/material acquisitions (aka greed) is what made them do things to feed that hunger -- aka, acquire or make more money/material goods. That's not necessarily the same thing as making the world go round, although it's a large part of it. I've always said that I enjoy being frustrated, because frustration is what makes the world go round. Frustration with the status quo -- politically, financially, socially, whateverally -- be it yours or someone else's, depending on how self-interested you are, but it's frustration. Yeah, sometimes the desire to make money ends up badly (as it did with her case), but sometimes it causes investors to invest in good things (as with -- hopefully -- at least some of Wayne's clients). [/soapbox]
  11. cf. New Year's Resolution. Favorite piece of chamber music, one of my favorite pieces ever, played by guaranteed good musicians? What's not to love? Yeah, I am seriously going to try to do this. How were you thinking of going up there, train? Driving? What time would we be leaving?
  12. My favorite.
  13. Diamonds. With a watch underneath. I'm thinking this one might be a little too flamboyant for me, so I'll probably flip it shortly, but (a) it was a Renato, and ( it was purple, which I don't see a lot of.
  14. Sibelius? But that's transcription software, I want it to generate MIDI data. Of course, if it can generate notes, it should be able to generate notes, so it shouldn't be that much of a stretch.
  15. Potentially for Dinny: Amazon.com: Android Volcano Swiss Chronograph Chrono Men's Watch - Blue: Android: Watches
  16. Well, also probably because they are probably two of his most famous pieces of chamber music. So how do you learn pieces with more than, e.g., just a sonata? Do you find a general midi file and then take out the violin part? Of course, if none exist, then you're in TRANSCRIPTION HELL... What really needs to be invented is an OCR for music.
  17. That's funny, I associate Trout and Death & The Maiden, too.
  18. Serious answer: the most likely answer is that mold-proof stuff they put on most new vinyl to protect it -- it probably hasn't been cleaned off yet. I forget what the name of it is. You need a good wet cleaner to get it off. (This is briefly alluded to in the post that 909 linked to, which is what made me remember the answer. I didn't think of it at all when I posted my joke answer.)
  19. Also available at their outlet, and FYI it's because they just came out with the wireless touch, "Daily Edition" (vs. "Pocket Edition" and "Touch Edition").
  20. It's an "other side of the pond" thing -- they call supper* there, "tea". *Well, actually, we have no equivalent, but it's that small meal between lunch and dinner.
  21. Going through Rarum boxes -- on Keith Jarrett (Vol. I) right now.
  22. Nuclear fallout?
  23. The new Dynaudio is mammoth in a so-ugly-it's-beautiful kind of way: Dynaudio Consequence Ultimate Edition For some reason it's reminding me of the Spendor S100. Maybe because it's deep as well as tall.
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