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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I swear, they could just edit together all the etrade baby commercials together, and I'd laugh harder than any movie I've ever seen, ever. Including Mel Brooks and Zucker brothers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqVBKO_QM3o "I'd like to show you something, it's my shocked face..." Moar here...
  2. Pouncing on that one, thanks.
  3. Try squinting. Oh wait...
  4. http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/
  5. Shit, I knew I forgot one.
  6. It was probably the asterisk. FIFY.
  7. Yes, but it's not an Asian slanty-eyed, it's either half-asleep slanty-eyed or suspicious slanty-eyed. (There are plenty of Asians on Head-case, you are not alone.)
  8. Win:
  9. "Left 4 Dead"/"vBulletin 4 Upgrade" -- coincidence?
  10. Bought my first Kindle book the other day -- Heat Wave, Rick Castle. Also bought a bunch of free ones (Dante, Carroll, classics, anything else I could find that was free) -- I know have a gazillion emails from Amazon in my inbox.
  11. Did you enjoy the whiskey references? Me neither.
  12. Please take pics of your locals as well, as they will probably be doing the heavy lifting.
  13. Wait, what?!?!? They make a bluetooth keyboard for the iTouch/iPhone?!?!? Since when?!?!?
  14. How much stuff do you have? Where from? California? Eegad. DC area is about the same as San Diego, cost of living -wise, without the sea breeze. Let's start with that. How decent is the job offer? What do you do?
  15. Human Target -- meh. Best thing about it is Rorschach...er...Jackie Earle Haley...
  16. What if I want aliasing?
  17. "Who are you wearing?" "Scarlet O'Hara?"
  18. I was talking about the one where if it had gone the other way, then we would have felt like we were selling our souls to across the pond.[/maintains posturing as typical Merkin lumping all those countries together]
  19. You've never eaten one of those hollow Easter bunny or Santa Claus hollow chocolate figurines, have you? Well then they shouldn't have lost the war.
  20. I'll have to pull out the packaging, but I believe it still says "Cadbury", so it might be Kraft Cadbury Cream Eggs.
  21. Cadbury Cream Eggs I guess that's kind of cheating, since I will probably eat both of them before Sunday. Oh well...I only grant myself two per season, and the season has a-started.
  22. Even back in the 80's, we had that problem (albeit probably to a lesser extent, although we did have the one famous example of having to buy the book directly from the professor because it hadn't even been published yet -- that sucked). Bought used when I could. I'd probably look at electronic copies, now (Kindle). Typo...noticed it...thought it was funny, so I left it... Not unless they have drugs that actually give you dislexia.
  23. No, bad! Send it to me. I'll get into vinyl for you. You can be into vinyl vicariously.
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