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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Fat towards the back would make sense to me, since my ears are farther out from my head towards the back more than towards the front. But 100% of the time, I'm listening to someone else's, so "the way they have it" until I get my own pair.
  2. Synagogues and churches? WTF?!?!?' ...and Town Halls, oh my.
  3. Sorry to hear about Ivan, Vicki.
  4. I do? Also, I kind of got the sentiment backwards -- meaning I'd never kiss any of you guys on the lips.
  5. I miss grapefruit. (Am on a medicine that prevents me from eating grapefruits or drinking grapefruit juice.) Wegmans Frosted Bite-Size Shredded Wheat cereal
  6. This is kind of how I picture you guys.
  7. You should have been picturing a Terry Gilliam style animation somewhere around "...BBQCG..." that included Christ on a cross, and a big hand holding a bottle of barbecue sauce.
  8. Especially those of you benefiting from Mike's ways. Thank you, Mike, for being Mr. Early And Often Adopter.
  9. Is that Cjrostoma Jemdrocls? And if not, who is she? I redheads. Well, except "is it possible to get a mild case of Down's syndrome?" kid.
  10. That does make things harder, though not impossible. But sometimes "familiarity" is enough, whether or not you like the original tune. I think I'd enjoy that style of piano jazz trio renditions of Beatles tunes, even though I don't listen to the Beatles. Or string quartet renditions of the Beach Boys. Or whathaveyou. I did find myself having a harder time to enjoy that solo piano renditions of Radiohead tunes, because I'm just plain not that familiar with Radiohead, despite liking them. I'd be curious about your honest reactions to anything from the rest of their work. They also have an album called "Prog".
  11. I assume you're criticizing my over-generalization in using the expression "Audio-Technica" house sound -- fair enough. But in broad, sweeping terms, I was just trying to get rid of the Grado house sound, so inasmuch as it's not a Grado, there you have a house sound. So, to synopsize: ESW-9:HF-2::all A-T's:all Grado's ...meaning it doesn't have the Grado forwardness that the HF-2 does, which admittedly, it doesn't as much as other Grado's. Better?
  12. Maybe, it's worth trying. I doubt you'll hear a difference, meself.
  13. ...and my personal favorite:
  14. Big Pappa?
  15. Winnie the Pooh
  16. Batman Begins soundtrack
  17. It depends on the receiver you have -- a lot of them redigitize the signal, so I'd go even further -- take the digital out from your PC and plug it straight into your receiver. Upsampling may or may not have benefits -- I think the general thinking is a well-designed output stage contributes more "better" to the final sound of a DAC than any upsampling may or may not contribute. Of course, the engineers amongst us will say, "just try it for yourself and determine for yourself".
  18. Dusty Chalk

    Canjam 2010.

    Actually, you probably could trust Ray, since he's not exactly competing with Krell.
  19. I would compare them to the HF-2. But substitute "Grado house sound" with "Audio-Technica house sound".
  20. It's going to take a while. They don't come up all that often. Just be patient and haunt auctions.yahoo.co.jp...
  21. First-Person Tetris
  22. Vestal - Sabbath Vestal - Black Sabbath
  23. Yeah, I should have phrased that moar positively/imperatively/differently: get the PWT.
  24. Well he just got US$45M out of NBC...[/running gag]
  25. Coincidentally, I was in the mall today and...OMJFHWTFBBQCG that thing is huge. 65mm! Why don't they just call it what it is, 6.5cm? It's like a teacup saucer on your wrist. I was back and forth between "fugly" and "so fugly it's cute" with the pics but in person, obtains full squatting residence in Fuglyville. DO. NOT. WANT.
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