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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. No, it sounded like you described three different connections: digital audio out from PC into Azur 740C analog-ly into 640R; digital audio out from PC into 640R; and then in your second paragraph, something about the DacMagic. (Which is also where you use the word, "vastly", BTW.) So you didn't actually listen to the DacMagic in either of these scenarios? Actually, that smells right -- I think you mentioned that earlier, and from your other response, I get that second paragraph was based on the email exchange. And no, it doesn't really surprise me that the Cambridge Audio doesn't redigitize the signal. Good on them. I am kind of surprised that the digital connection is inferior to the analog connection, though.
  2. Sweet.
  3. There is currently a fad of larger watches, though. The blue-on-black Bell & Ross's that you're grailin' over range in size from 42mm (BR-03) to 46mm (BR-01). My huge ones (51-30) are 47mm without the crown, and I'm getting kind of used to them. But it's a fad. 38mm sounds about right, for non-fad-large watches. Next time you're in Nordstrom's, check it out. It kind of stands out a little.
  4. Hublot launches Aero Bang Morgan
  5. That's like asking me which I trust more -- the bookie, or the guy with the bookie -- how about neither? Pfff. I trust no-one. Sneaker net it is, for me.
  6. I just noticed that every time Grand Enigma posts, it screws up the thread -- can someone fix his custom title, please? It looks like it opens with a bold but closes with an "a" tag -- the close should be a "b", I think.
  7. Invizibul muvmnt watches (movements made with the same material as the crystal): Quinting
  8. Cherry Vanilla Yogurt
  9. I was talking about that argument in general from the perspective of the centralized superduperprocessor/mainframe & netbook/iTouchBigger/other lower-powered CPU-based device model.
  10. Huzzah. Paid-off car is paid-off -- nice!
  11. Here's the problem I have: Let's assume I'm also more ambitious than I am -- a day trader successful enough to make a living off of the stock market, but not enough to own my own supercomputer. And let's say I have a secret. That secret is my "system". Let's also assume that I do trust Apple/Microsoft/Google/Yahoo/AT&T/Verizon/Johnson&Johnson/Gerber/Palmolive/whomever enough to put my data on a superdupercomputer co-op as per the discussed model. I still wouldn't get any sleep, because EVERYONE ELSE would have access to my secret in a way that I couldn't directly defend against.
  12. Newbury Comics, but not if you don't have any money to spend.
  13. I don't think so. He mentioned in interviews that he actually had several years mapped out with the longer story arcs. But maybe compressing them made them better. I'd like to think not, just because I liked a lot of the set pieces (dialog-wise) the last bit.
  14. Some models of the Aleph P come with a remote option. Just FYI: they don't all have this capability.
  15. I personally love my Dynaudios, but one thing that separates it even from other Dynaudio speakers is its complement of the Esotar II tweeters, I don't think anything Excite or Focus has those. So I agree with eschewing the Dynaudios. I've heard nothing but good about Triangles, even entry level, so would recommend giving those a listen. My feeling on B&W's is that they're the Sennheisers of the speaker world -- many people have heard them, they have some really good models and really mediocre ones, and they're not for everyone. I don't have any Sennheisers. Er...that I can find (got the HD250-II's somewhere).
  16. I think I will start collecting PS3's and make my own.
  17. I would (recap). Especially in an electrostatic. Even if it works, it'll sound better recapped.
  18. I have to admit to just not getting that. So you have a bigger screen, so what? Do you really want a remote that's so busy that you need that much more real estate? I mean, the iTouch was already 320x480. EDIT: Of course, as soon as I wrote that, I thought, "processor speed?" Twice, basically. Now that makes things completely different.
  19. Not me, I didn't really want to spend > 3 hours on the road today (Emmitsburg, MD), so was glad to have an excuse.
  20. You could do worse than BAT. (looks over at his Aleph-P that is as of yet unhooked up) Just realized that that sounds like I'm saying the Aleph P is worse -- I'm not, I have no idea.
  21. Condolences from me as well, dude.
  22. The other thing I didn't think of is, it's a good transitional device, in that you can use it with a Windows machine. Is that correct (that you can use it with a Windows machine)?
  23. Heat Wave (Rick Castle) -- thoroughly enjoying this. You can really picture the actors from the show in the book, not only with the dialog, but also with a lot of other little things they do. They do a lot with body language (smiles, turning away, etc.) which is straight from the show.
  24. My eyes hurt just thinking about that room. And kitty hidey-hole FTW.
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