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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. That's a lot of theorizin' -- it's tradition.
  2. Hey, Dan, they have an Invicta Automatic for $75 here. Not sure how long they'll last, though. Something about "half-time"...? EDIT: Looks like you can only buy one with the discount, original URL. Plus, there are a bunch of other automatics.
  3. Original T-shirt here.
  4. Agreed. The best advice I can give (and remember from whom this is coming) is, set some guidelines for yourself. Like don't get two watches that look the same, even if they have different movements or whatever. Or a rule I'm going to start laying down for myself is find out what movement is inside -- no cheesy movements. Dinny, you only want one watch.
  5. Fan service...has the AKG K1000 spread out more-or-less correctly...that AKG K1000 pic is win.
  6. We're still high-tailing it out of Dodge come Friday, right? One way or another? PS I'm done shoveling, my car is accessible until the next time they plow the driveway in, anyway. It took three iterations of shoveling to clear the apron.
  7. I think they were suggesting you contact them with at least finding out what unit they use as the transport. If not buying just the transport from their service center. I concur that you don't want them doing such trivial work if it's not under warranty, but who knows, they still might. Looks like a nice unit, here's to hoping you get it working again. And: have you tried just cleaning it? They have special CD's that you insert that have a brush on them.
  8. Just want to stress this -- I've had screws start off well enough, even for more than a couple turns, but didn't stop working until towards the end. That whole metric/non-metric thing.
  9. Somehow I missed that. Let me think about it, but I'm seriously interested. EDIT: Actually, I better pass. Thanks for the offer, anyway.
  10. One more for you: PUPPY!!!1!
  11. Big fan (well, not huge, but big, anyway...) of both of those guys, didn't know they even worked together, much less triphopped, as it were, the light fantastique...
  12. watches (le sigh) Hey Vicki, do you have a program for an addiction to watches? Yeah, yeah, I know, the solution is probably more expensive than the problem...
  13. I kept hearing the word canteen, but it never registered until the other day. Someone was complaining about the crown, and whether or not they could do something about that, and how Invicta'd never do anything about it, but they might make it a lefty, which would be good for righty's.
  14. How much? I'd be interested, potentially. Feel free to PM if you don't want to discuss openly.
  15. I think we got about 20+". We had about 20 hour power outage. I'm not done shoveling, but a lot closer to 'done' than Dan is.
  16. Somewhere around 1:30 a.m., in the middle of my shower, the power went out -- I finished it anyway. Went to bed. Woke up, shivering, by a shivering cat. At sunrise. Decided not to get out of bed. Changed mind, got up, got very dressed, fed cats, started shoveling. Ate. Snuggled with kitties some more, shoveled some more, slept/ate, repeat ad nauseum, stopped at sunset, not done, power still out. Ate cold leftovers (we have a gas stove, so I was just being lazy; also, I'm not as good at rewarming things stovetop). Power came back on. Was snuggling with a kitty at the time. Waited for it to go back out again, it did not. Yay! Took shower. Got on computer, etc.
  17. it's supposed to look like a canteen.
  18. It's probably illegal software...stolen...from a pirate...
  19. You two need to board the QTLfOHOHWBWERT (Quad 12L for office/home-office/home-workbench/whatever rig Train).
  20. Other than this, I wonder how it does as a transport?
  21. Scroll down to "notes". PS Yes, I have this on DVD.
  22. Well said. This.
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