Somewhere around 1:30 a.m., in the middle of my shower, the power went out -- I finished it anyway.
Went to bed.
Woke up, shivering, by a shivering cat.
At sunrise.
Decided not to get out of bed.
Changed mind, got up, got very dressed, fed cats, started shoveling. Ate. Snuggled with kitties some more, shoveled some more, slept/ate, repeat ad nauseum, stopped at sunset, not done, power still out. Ate cold leftovers (we have a gas stove, so I was just being lazy; also, I'm not as good at rewarming things stovetop).
Power came back on. Was snuggling with a kitty at the time. Waited for it to go back out again, it did not. Yay!
Took shower.
Got on computer, etc.