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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Dude, she's a doctor, so she's probably twice your age. So what's her number?
  2. Nice! Those'd be my top choices for those purchases.
  3. We're going through a transition with the software, please be patient. And no, it's not you.
  4. I prefer to post them elsewhere. I mean, a thread labeled "Oppo BDP-83" is just too obvious, y'know?
  5. A friggin' UPS. Last one went tits-up, got tired of computer dying in the middle of shit.
  6. "I'll be in my bunk..."
  7. No, but I will... (huge Buzzcocks fan, probably my favorite pop-punk) Edit: actually, they're calling them reissues, so as far as I can tell, they've rearranged them into 2CD releases is all. Maybe a little bit I don't have, so may still get them.
  8. I drove around. Given that I was going to get snowed in for the next couple days, I figure I'd take the last chance I had.
  9. Sure there is: you could hack the Mac Mini and rewrite the USB driver so that it appears as an external drive to the Oppo. There's also the network connection. But I guess that depends what the Oppo does with that. Ask yourself this question: do you use the analog outs, or the HDMI outs? (Or other.)
  10. Another to the list of MOT's whose personal thingy is screwed up: TomB. I think it's just all mots, but if Whomever wants to search for starts with "open bold" and ends with "close a tag", that should fix all of them.
  11. There's something...I don't know..."8-bit" about that. In a good way.
  12. Oh, I've had one of those. The deli where I used to work called it a Ms. Reuben.
  13. Passive aggressive? Aggressive aggressive!
  14. "Lux Aeterna" by Clint Mansell from the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack
  15. rachel - Google Search ?
  16. Snow-pocalypse! Today will be a-popsicle-lypse, though. Everything that melted overnight is now frozen, so the slush that people were driving through yesterday like a knife through butter will tear the undersides of their cars apart (brake lines!) like an iceberg through the Titanic. Good luck with that, I'm staying home. And yeah, I should probably dig the other car out. That is, indeed, going to suck.
  17. Alison Moyet Revisited I forgot what a great track "Hoodoo" is.
  18. Newman's Own Bavarian pretzels
  19. Translation: it's closer than I am, so it counts as "in the area".
  20. I am definitely looking forward to seeing your drawings.
  21. I, too, got nuthin', but look forward to what you end up doing, and of course meeting you. Though Baltimore != DC area per se.
  22. I don't know about you, but I want it the other way around, I want to print to my (iPad/Kindle/whatever) in lieu of really printing.
  23. I am fortunate in that software engineers have a reputation for eccentricity that I feel a need to perpetuate.
  24. Yeah, but I bet you could get an awesome snowball effect going.
  25. And yet, awesome animated gif.
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