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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Dave and I use Cubase. Garageband is also suprisingly good if you have a Mac. But yes, ProTools is the professional default -- it's what all the pro studios use.
  2. https://www.twitch.tv/STIMULATE_nyc 808 Day streaming concert festival
  3. https://reverb.com/news/synth-basics-101 https://reverb.com/news/the-synth-sounds-of-depeche-modes-enjoy-the-silence You're on your own after that.
  4. Vince Clarke era Depeche Mode? A lot of that was done with monophonic synths. Alan Wilder era? You’re screwed, dude was a genius arranging things for synthesizers.
  5. You don’t know until you’ve tried it!
  6. Press the white things Press the black things Turn the round things etc.
  7. Oh, hey, do you know Sammy J and Randy Feltface? I’ve watched hours of their material. No, seriously, we get the likes of you all the time. Demanding to be treated special without establishing deserving it. I believe the word is, “entitled”. Ta, cheers, g’day.
  8. But it’ll be moar better!
  9. I’d still eat it. #quarantinethinking
  10. RIP victims
  11. https://alexhaas.bandcamp.com/album/solitaire-2
  12. That’s pretty freakin cool!
  13. Tosin! Insanely talented...
  14. Yeah, Yamaha is good, too. I believe my Steinberg unit is rebranded Yamaha or Alesis, which is also good. And I agree with getting advice from a professional -- I was looking at the Mackie offerings and they've bifurcated several times to the point where I can't keep track, and it's largely feature sets. So you can probably find the exact combination of features you want, and not pay for anything you don't need.
  15. https://islandmusicco.com/mackie-402vlz4-4-channel-mixer/
  16. Happy birthday, Todd! 🎂 🎁 (party favour noise) 🎈 🎊 🎉
  17. Happy birthday! (party favour noise)
  18. Indeed. And I guess I’ve heard this before, considering it’s 4 years old. I should have recognized the title, I remember thinking it sounded like, “Helter Skelter”.
  19. Beer Pong, isolation edition. https://www.gif-vif.com/gifs/Weekend-goals
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