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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Dusty Chalk

    Dark Music

    So, I figured my first post should be in the music forum, since that is what interests me the most, and I was disappointed that there is only one thread. Oh well, perhaps once we get more people in here, that'll change. So, what dark music (metal, goth, industrial, noise, experimental, etc.) have you been listening to lately? I'm really enjoying the new Android Lust release, Devour, Rise, and Take Flight. Technically in the goth/industrial vein, but not really sticking with any one genre. This is more of a ensemble sounding release than The Dividing -- the drums, in particular, sound more live than usual. It also goes off on some seriously weird tangents (which, to my ears, is a good thing), yet without eschewing Shikhee's unique sound. Recommended for fans of Nine Inch Nails, Stabbing Westward, etc. I've also been listening to Canvas Solaris lately -- instrumental metal, very hard, but occasionally progging out. Highly recommended if you want to try metal, but are turned off by the growling vocals. PS: Yo, all.
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