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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Being that I'm a straight human male, I approve the above messages about Hyolee.
  2. Amy Acker pretty much defines supercute.
  3. Why not? I spend more time listening there than I do at home. I've been invited by my boss to bring the big rig in (greatest boss I've ever had, BTW). And even if not for whatever reasons, it still begs the question -- why would you deny me the opportunity to improve the sound at work in every way possible. If there's something I can put between the wall and my source and/or amp, tell me what it is.
  4. It's not just laziness -- some of us don't necessarily have the freedom to mess with their living conditions (such as I don't at work, and I wouldn't at home if my landlord wasn't such a wonderful person).
  5. Yeah, but not that many because of one person's actions. No you wouldn't. The reason it's an elected office is not because we are all equal, but because we are all voting on the fact that we think he can do a better job...nee, the best job out of all of us. Don't try to compare him to us. He got there for a reason, and now he needs to do a good job of it. That's like saying -- after a surgeon fucks up an operation -- I'd like to see you do better. No, you wouldn't. You hope he does the best possible job he can, because that's why he's paid the big bucks.
  6. Dude, we're talking about the president of the United States here. He is legally held accountable for every one of his actions, and a system should be in place to enforce that. Not only that, he needs to be a role model.
  7. Tell that to the dead soldiers. No, I'm outraged, Bush is a weasel when he's not being an idiot ("subliminable", indeed), and hungrych got it right that they just keep doing more and more outrageous things 'til we become numb to it. He's got no problem lying, too.
  8. I'm a slow reader.
  9. When did you get an Omega II? Or are you referring to Dave's? I thought you had 404's. Shit, now I'm going to have to break out my Stax setup...I coulda sworn I heard deep bass.
  10. Check your math. 1.1447^3 is approx. 1.5, dorklatch. EDIT: You typed 1.447 into your calculator, didn't you? There's a 1 after the decimal point.
  11. No thanks. As much as I like sharp foods, I'm probably allergic.
  12. Alright, I went ahead and got the A-1D -- just received it today -- it's a little more rolled off than the Manley Stingray was in the top end, but I think the bass is better. Will know better (a) in the morning when I can listen at non-sleepytime volumes, and ( after significantly more burn-in. Offhand, I think this is a steal at US$206.74. And OMG, do I need to get an iPod? J&R sent me a catalog that is from front to back nothing but iPod accessories. Never have I seen a product so thoroughly accessorized.
  13. Wait...whut? My Stax has bass. Hirsch's Stax has bass. Dave's Stax has bass. Stephen's...Stephen, do you have a Stax? I forget...I think not. You should be bitching and whining where your hearing went, Mr. I-stuck-bees-in-my-ears-as-a-kid.
  14. Except you don't want an HP-2. They're expensive. It's a supply/demand thing -- people like you buy up the supply, even if the demand remains constant, the ratio changes for the worse.
  15. Don't get carried away there, dude. Whining is one thing -- that's what everyone else is doing; obliquely referring to violence is entirely yet another -- that's what you're doing. Hirsch -- just like everyone else -- can sell his HF-1's anywhere, anyway, and at any price he wants to -- you don't have to buy them. Although in all likelihood, he'll probably just sell them to Juan or something. Thank god I don't want one. I remember when I wanted an HP-2 -- I remember there was one guy buying them on Audiogon, and selling them for a profit at Head-Fi -- I was so pissed. Then I got one, and stopped caring. Now I feel the same way about K1000's. Do you remember when Headroom was blowing them out?!?!? Argh. Just...argh. And tubes -- don't even get me started about tubes.
  16. I like those, but they're more banners than logos.
  17. That doesn't make sense. Shouldn't you be using coax? That way, the shiny red light is unimpeded for viewing pleasure.
  18. Dusty Chalk

    new tool album

    Whichever one I'm currently listening too. (I'm still in "fanboy" phase, where individual tracks haven't started leaping out at me yet.)
  19. That's one of them "rhetorical" questions, innit?
  20. Dusty Chalk

    new tool album

    Because Tool are great, and should not be lowered by having their thread crapped upon. Being into dark ambient such as Lull and (some) Scorn, I really dig that last track.
  21. Could you at least do my design up proper? Middle o' the previous page.
  22. Which one, meat popsicle? Not sure to what you are referring.
  23. Really? Dang...
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