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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I usually just mouse over the link -- if it doesn't start with (in this case) www.amazon.com, then I don't click.
  2. [me=Dusty Chalk]opts not to make perverted comment about making people stroke your shorts.[/me]
  3. I'll look at my documentation this weekend. The previous owner was meticulous in keeping it all, so if it ever existed, I have it now. And this is one of those few instances where I actually know where everything is. PS Those sure are some pretty pictures -- makes me want to get another pair, even though I already have one pair!
  4. I still prefer pretzels. But it's a nice change of pace.
  5. Dusty Chalk


    Guess what I'm eating right now? A churro -- my first ever. Baja Fresh started selling them, for those who don't know what they're missing (like me did...erm, like I did...n't...).
  6. Dusty Chalk


    That Denon D5000 didn't go over too badly, for a FOTB.
  7. Pretty much anything I own. W3000, L3000, DT770, HD600, A100Ti... When I listen to classical music, I'm enjoying it. I pretty much forget that I'm listening on headphones.
  8. Dusty Chalk


    I hope that the Stereophile guys read Head-Fi and fall for that crap, and then get burned on it, and realize how terribly FOTM-ly Head-Fi is, and totally give up on it. But then, that would be expecting spontaneous cynicism where there isn't any. They're chummy with everyone, aren't they? Oh, well, one can dream.
  9. Why yes, yes I am. And: no, I don't, but thanks for offering me yours.
  10. Dusty Chalk


    Quoted for truth.
  11. Why yes...yes it was.
  12. At least I can read. Why don't you go download porn or something, you wart on the anus of the universe you.
  13. Why would you want to read books about avatars? Can't you just look at them like the rest of us do? Diamond Age == awesome. Me: Clive Barker, Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War -- the second volume in his "young adult" series. I don't know, it's still pretty scary stuff. Nothing explicit, but the scary stuff is really scary. No, you're stooped...erm...stupid. Douche-bag.
  14. Douche-amp.
  15. Wait, I'm confused, what's the myth? You just said, both headphones scale pretty well (which I have always taken to mean -- the better an amp you throw at them, the better they sound). So isn't the logical conclusion to throw absolutely the best amp at them that you can afford? Besides, these are both HOTL headphones (high on the line -- not top of the line, but close) headphones, both, IIRC, receiving a great deal of trickle-down technology from both lines' TOTL headphones. It's not like the L3000 or R10 or the Qualia -- all of which just have weird sound signatures, and need the best amp one can throw at it for other reasons (e.g., in the R10's case, because it's a power-hungry pig). So...what was the question again? I think I just rambled (yet another sign that I'm geezin'.)
  16. That just reinforces my agreement with the opinion that it's a ground loop -- it's not any one component, it's the fact the combination, and the fact that they're connected to different earths. Try connecting just the cables (to the F1/K1000 combination), then the pre, then the cables between the pre and the source, and so on. Work your way backwards until you have hum.
  17. The other thing you need to try is to disconnect all inputs to the F1, so that all you have is amp->K1000's, no source, no pre.
  18. I like the black of the AH-D2000, thanks for posting those pics.
  19. I didn't know what thread to put this under, so I put it under this one. I'm sure this guy is on Head-Fi, but I haven't seen this stand before, and thought it was wonderful, so I post it here.
  20. What? You don't have your own opinion, you haven't even heard it yet. You specifically said that you are regurgitating others' opinions. And yes, I am kind of secure in the knowledge of that.
  21. No-one said that, don't put words in our mouths. You know, you pride yourself on thinking for yourself, yet that's exactly the opposite of what you're doing. You're brainwashing yourself into defending this amp without even having heard it yet. And that's what everyone else has done. Which is why you see so many positive comments about it. If you've listened to more than one other amp in your life (although I have to admit, you picked a good one to start with), I'd listen to more of what you have to say, but for now I'm just going to take what you say with one seriously motherfucking giant grain of salt. Just get it already, listen to it, then decide whether or not it's any good. That's the only way. But read some of the comments here about how he handles returns. You won't get that sort of feedback on Head-Fi.
  22. Well, at least she's not quitting the music business. I've decided that this will be like getting two almost-as-good Gathering-type bands for the price of one. Sort of/not really.
  23. I, too, vote for you getting as much sexual attention as you can for $10, as that is obviously what you need. PWND!!!1!
  24. Oh, yeah, I knew that. Yeah that's fine whenever...maybe the following weekend or something...
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