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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. ...and it looks like it'd fit in my car, too.
  2. I won't -- I'll just download pictures of her off the internet. Amy Acker
  3. Warning! The following link will waste hours of your life, if you like stuff like that. link I recommend, after letting the page load (it's a jpig), to start at the bottom, because there evolve some motifs, of sorts.
  4. I don't know, I thought the AudioValve RKV was the most gorgeous.
  5. My choice would be Hamilton, but I have a feeling they will go with someone younger. Personally, I don't care -- I think Rosie and The Price is Right is a match made in heaven -- I can avoid both just by not watching one show.
  6. Clive Barker, Days of Magic, Nights of War -- the second volume in his Abarat series, intended for "young adults", but way too scary for children, methinks.
  7. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW5uO3P6Pwo]YouTube video[/ame] -- anyone here know any of these people...or perhaps are in the video yourselves?
  8. Maybe for a hunt'n'peckerhead, but once you have the layout memorized, one needs the most frequently typed letters underneath one's fingers; second tier should be one key away, etc. That's not the case on a QWERTY keyboard.
  9. No, it's the truth -- they made it so that frequently adjacent letters couldn't be typed in rapid succession, in the old days of keyed (not ball) typewriters, so that it minimized the chances of jamming...still happened (anyone who's used such a typewriter knows).
  10. I agree with ER, but not for the reasons stated. But you won't know for yourself unless you try. Is it really that bad? I don't hear that much of a difference. I mean, don't get me wrong, vinyl (/analog) is better, but I don't get that looking-through-a-telescope vs. being-there difference. It's more like seeing with/without glasses kind of thing (when I was 1.25 nearsighted).
  11. You're being silly. I can't wait 'til you can hear it, though, the opening synthesizer blast of "Trilogy" right after the piano section is to die for. One of my favourite rock'n'roll moments, ever, anywhere. And I think it's funny that the response to not being able to listen to ELP was to get an ELP.
  12. Hey now! I think the nose flap thing is a reference to my sleep apnea thing, and young priest is just a reference of an advanced stage (as in, beyond altar boy). I'm not sure what it has to do with headphones, though. I will, however, take that cold shower. I'm that hot. Spontaneous combustion, here I come.
  13. Lame idea -- get another trackball (what the L is a 'trackball mouse'? It's just 'trackball'.) with the kind of ball that doesn't fall out of it. I'm addicted to my trackballs so badly, I barely know how to use a mouse. Logitech FTW.
  14. [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=j9_g1NuoT6s]Almost head-on train collision...from the engineer's perspective[/ame]
  15. You should get your wife a pomegranete, and tell her, "...but I thought that's what you said..."
  16. I interpreted that to mean that L3000 and CD3000 owners are hot.
  17. google translation
  18. Here they are (in San Francisco, anyway).
  19. RAM (Reference Audio Mods) are supposed to be good, and Hirsch swears by someone -- I think it's ModWright. Hirsch, feel free to correct me. I'd say go for the Sony, methinks. You'll get addicted to SACD like Peanut Butter Samiches.
  20. I haven't seen a pair, but yes, you do want them, they're awesome.
  21. No, he has all that bandwidth exactly because he doesn't host porn, I'm sure. Biggest eater-upper of bandwidth -- porn.
  22. It is. Couldn't've said it better myself. You should be writing for Stereophile.
  23. [me=Dusty Chalk]checks in couch[/me] I don't have it.
  24. You win -- because in your case, you're not paying for it.
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