Where is the "I don't care" option? I don't own out of print phones as an investment, I own them because they're good headphones. And because headphone manufacturers are idiots and stop making really good headphones (I'm especially thinking of the Grado HP-1000 series and the AKG K1000's).
And it's not because they're out of print that I covet (for example) the K1000's -- it's because they're really good headphones.
Also, I have some out-of-print headphones that are not coveted so much -- do you know why? Because headphones came out -- in some cases, by the same company (Beyerdynamic, Sennheiser) -- that does everything mine does, but better, at the same or better price, rendering these headphones unsalable to any but the most desparate buyer.
Well, also because I'm too lazy to sell them.