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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Even worse, it doesn't have that classic iPod interface with the pseudo spinny circle. WTH would anyone buy one of those things for?
  2. That's what the preview button is for.
  3. Myleene Klass -- I have no idea whether or not she's any good, I just got this image by doing an image google search on "boobies".
  4. Where is the "I don't care" option? I don't own out of print phones as an investment, I own them because they're good headphones. And because headphone manufacturers are idiots and stop making really good headphones (I'm especially thinking of the Grado HP-1000 series and the AKG K1000's). And it's not because they're out of print that I covet (for example) the K1000's -- it's because they're really good headphones. Also, I have some out-of-print headphones that are not coveted so much -- do you know why? Because headphones came out -- in some cases, by the same company (Beyerdynamic, Sennheiser) -- that does everything mine does, but better, at the same or better price, rendering these headphones unsalable to any but the most desparate buyer. Well, also because I'm too lazy to sell them.
  5. You mean, it has a built-in headphone amp? At this point, I am just mocking you.
  6. Gas -- paid $2.669 for it, too! (I'm pleased -- the average in the MD/DC/VA area is ~$3.) Woodbridge Wawa by Potomac Mills, before you ask.
  7. Boris is a chick? J/K... I always thought Boris was a he. Boris is a they?
  8. You mean, not plugged into anything?
  9. Actually, he was really good about tubes when I bought some from him a couple months ago.
  10. I know this question wasn't directed at me, but definitely -- I've headbanged them to the point where the cord was strangling me. (I start with my head going back, apparently, and at home, my amp is to my right. I now keep my cord behind me when I think about it.)
  11. I don't think it has anything to do with solid state amp at all -- the first thing I listened to them out of when I got them recently was my Creek OBH-11SE, and I don't think they're bright at all. Now the Sony MDR-7506/-V6 -- now they are bright. Perhaps it's which house sound one is more used to? But that doesn't make sense, I'm neither a Grado Guy nor a Sennheiser ...erm... Sapien.
  12. Actually, Hirsch sold his, so he is no longer a current owner; he is a former owner. As is Juan (cd44hi).
  13. Glad you got one without me having to sell you mine. I concur.
  14. You know, I'm not a DIYer, but they're still porn to me.
  15. One of those have multiple catalogs -- I think it's the Elusive Disk one. You need some true porn ones -- Markertek, B&H Photo, etc.
  16. What is that "Raffinato"? Is this a special edition of the W5000?
  17. ...except for the Etymotic ER-6i, which is a lot less than that, and an excellent value, albeit still a little bit more expensive new than the original poster requested, otherwise I'd recommend it, as it fills all the other criteria quite nicely.
  18. [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=I2MsDogV4g4]Trip. Fucking. Out.[/ame]
  19. Audiophile BS
  20. I usually watch the local ads: Best Buy Circuit City (although I'd never buy from them) Staples Office Depot CompUSA Micro Center ...and then wait for the appropriate stuff to go on sale. I'll take down your information and see if I can find anything good this week. Also: pricewatch. Check out my thread about which brands are reliable.
  21. OMG, that was great, I haven't laughed like that since...since...well, since yesterday, but still, I laughed pretty hard, is the point I'm trying to make.
  22. I never get tired of saying this: Wait for it... Nice rack! I see you're a big Depeche Mode fan -- huzzah. Alas, my mess is closer to DigiPete's than it is to postjack's...
  23. I don't know -- the amber tweak is still tops in my book. Falls Church, VA? I should go visit the guy and see who he is.
  24. It depends. If the word is an acronym, then no, you still say "a", because you're not supposed to be spelling out the acronym. I think. :grammar nosy bystander:
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