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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I don't like their early stuff (had their entry level DAC and CDP), but I've heard the more recent stuff is really good. But that's not from personal experience.
  2. I agree with this, so I chose the "whichever" option. You have a R10 with bass?
  3. Y'know, I actually remember that from back when I frequented Head-Fi. It's what got the group buys in trouble. So...since like forever.
  4. Wait, he says it still has its plastic protectors, but there are several pics with the plastic protectors off -- so obviously they can be removed and replaced. I don't know how "NOS" that is.
  5. Since when has there been a rule against "flipping" on Head-Fi? I think the mods' policy towards the for-sale forum is pretty much "buyer beware".
  6. Did you photoshop that picture at all? Because the "after" looks really sharp. Nice!
  7. Hey, sorry, I never got back to you on this -- did you ever end up getting anything? If not: you have a Lenovo Thinkpad? Do you know what size modules is the max that you can take?
  8. ...and too long.
  9. Great Deceiver is probably my favourite of the live box sets. !!! You haven't heard Nursery Cryme yet, or you just don't own it? OMG, you are in for such a treat -- one of my favourites of theirs.
  10. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbw17uiyM30]Family Guy on MadTV[/ame] postjack == Snoop Dogg
  11. Sounds like an order from Discipline Global Mobile -- yes? Rawk.
  12. You know what else we left behind at Head-Fi? Holding back. I love watching idiots getting taken to task like this, keep up the good work guys (not you, trollbait).
  13. I would like to say no, but that would be tempting fate. Plus, there's that whole "Darwin awards" thing. But no, not much.
  14. "Hey, baby, wake up from your asleep" -- awesome. Have you discovered Kompressor, yet? You'd like them, too. How about adult.'s first 1 1/2 albums or so, stuff like Anxiety Always and Resuscitation. On a completely different note: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA]Chocolate Rain[/ame] and [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f5brPwTWP8]Radiohead mashup[/ame]
  15. Both modded, or both unmodded? Too bad "outperforms" is so subjective, otherwise I'd take that wager.
  16. I don't.
  17. Trapped in a Closet continues!
  18. 22L2's just a got a not-so-good review in the September issue of Hi-Fi Choice. Yeah, it's a bit much. [me=Dusty Chalk]shrugs[/me] Yeah, they sound really good from 3-4 feet away. Add a sub, and you'll have a kickin' 5.1 setup. You are getting 5 of these, aren't you?
  19. Pretty sure it's going to be the SVS SB-12Plus.
  20. I bought my pair from TheSloth, so he should pipe in here, too. Short: dang, they are nice. Keepers. I really like their sound signature -- the crossover is pretty close to inaudible, which leaves a very sweet and only slightly forward midrange -- female vocals like Camille's Le Fil sound exquisite on this. Very slight upper-midbass/lower midrange hump, and no extreme low frequencies whatsoever -- I will eventually be integrating this with a sub. Very slight, it took me months to even hear it. Upper frequencies have nice extension, although not the best "air" I've ever heard, certainly adequate, and not erring on the rolled-off side at all. I listen to mine nearfield (on either side of my monitor) and quiet in my humble-sized office, so don't have as much of a concern with higher-frequency room acoustics, but the room might be contributing to the upper-midbass hump.
  21. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81vnTjv7GB4]Star Wars III: A Lost Hope[/ame] "Boobie?"
  22. Things that aren't available on vinyl sound better on CD.
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