I bought my pair from TheSloth, so he should pipe in here, too.
Short: dang, they are nice. Keepers.
I really like their sound signature -- the crossover is pretty close to inaudible, which leaves a very sweet and only slightly forward midrange -- female vocals like Camille's Le Fil sound exquisite on this. Very slight upper-midbass/lower midrange hump, and no extreme low frequencies whatsoever -- I will eventually be integrating this with a sub. Very slight, it took me months to even hear it. Upper frequencies have nice extension, although not the best "air" I've ever heard, certainly adequate, and not erring on the rolled-off side at all.
I listen to mine nearfield (on either side of my monitor) and quiet in my humble-sized office, so don't have as much of a concern with higher-frequency room acoustics, but the room might be contributing to the upper-midbass hump.