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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. The reason guys like to post pictures of half-naked (or all-naked) women is because they like to look at half-naked (or all-naked) women. It's really not any more complicated than that. Could you expand on this, please? Why would it creep you out? (And for perspective, I haven't frequented Head-Fi but occasionally, so if anyone wants to post some examples, please feel free.)
  2. Can I toss my cookies as well?
  3. Lies! Hmm...seems contradictory. Welcome to head-case, sorry about your thin skin!
  4. I think they only need to go in deep if that's the only way you can get a good seal -- I think it's the good seal part that's important. Everyone's ears are different.
  5. Is that balanced or single-ended?
  6. Well, it's not so much about impedance as it is sensitivity. So list all your headphones, and we'll see if we can dig up all their sensitivities. Also, how loudly do you listen to your headphones? And please, no "blow fool head off" statements. If you say that, I'll refer you to the ex-tank-drivers/all-Cerwin-Vega forum and stop helping you.
  7. Wait...Billy? Point? Reason? No way! Seriously: the "sound" of your system isn't just about frequency response. It's about the time domain as well as the frequency domain. Aerius had a particularly good point with #3 as well as the others. The simple answer to that is to pull the amp out of the speaker, but as soon as you do that, you know that audiophiles are going to want to "roll" the amps anyway.
  8. No way, dude, I'm keeping them! Blow my fool head off, yo. And yes, if I do decide to sell them, thrice gets first dibs...but that's not likely to happen any time soon.
  9. Since when has "need" had anything to do with anything we do here at head-case, in the headphone world? I just had the following conversation with a co-worker: Co-w: What does a two thousand dollar headphone get you that a one hundred dollar headphone won't get you? Me: Uh...uh...um... (Didn't want to explain prat and all that to him.) Also: I agree that thrice's balanced Beta-22 is the best solid state headphone amp I've heard besides the diamond buffer balanced dual- monoblock max. And I've heard it with my "ahem" W3000's -- that would the the headphones that I will be getting it for, eventually.
  10. Nice. Unfortunately, I'm out for this round. I've been buying too much stuff. Maybe next year.
  11. Yeah, I am. I still have my Nomad Jukebox 3 as my primary mp3 player, and I only have one battery for it.
  12. Damit, why didn't you sell it here? I could've used two of those...
  13. Yeah, that's how I understood it, and what I was responding to, when I made my "contrast" comment. See, the way it works is, you can have little girly accents around, but depending how you carry yourself, you end up appearing more manly in contrast to those accents.
  14. Only if you aren't confident with your sexuality. I think the contrast would make me look more manly. That said, I would have gone for black opal, myself.
  15. Audiophiles don't like EQ because it messes with the sound.
  16. Re: Hirsch's post -- yeah, most of that was what I suspected, and not really news. Which is why I said if it was just tubes, we could try them, but if it was more (such as the voltages), then...I'm not holding my breath. It is his system, after all.
  17. It's not a matter of whether or not, but how much. Yes, you do. You've heard about Steve Hoffman's cutting table, haven't you? It actually has a separate foundation. Foundation, as in the concrete floor is physically separate from the rest of the building. That's hardcore.
  18. Well, think about it -- current induces magnetic fields which are orthogonal to the direction of the current; jiggling current (jiggling is orthogonal to current) causes current in new and wonderful directions (now back to in the same direction as current and/or perpendicular -- it's kind of like measuring turbulence)...hence, noise/hash/distortion.
  19. It's a guy thing. You know how the only thing you really need to know in a car is the horsepower, but guys still need to know their displacement? It's like that. It's like saying, "I don't want to have to think about the amp, just get me some good powered speakers." They want to know that Bryston made the amps in the PMC Actives (which they do). There's also Meridian, ATC, Dynaudio, and Quad. I'm sure there are others.
  20. Yes, I remain skeptical. Hirsch did have the other pair at one point, which I'm sure he would have let me hear, as I've had this same argument with him. On their best days, they were still "lean" in the bass, and I don't remember them ever having the impact of my L3000's (yes, I now understand that comment was made in jest, but my confusion should have been clear since my "bs" post was responding directly to that, and you responded to my bs post). I do. I do want to hear R10's with bass. That would be awesome. However at this point, it sounds fantastical. I'm quite happy with my L3000's (other than the minor midrange swale, which I understand can be fixed with a recable). I'm sure it's probably the best R10's can muster, but I remain skeptical that it is adequate to my admittedly spoiled ears. However, the visit won't be happening any time soon. Thanks for the invite all the same, I may take you up on it at some point in the future.
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