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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. A pair of New Balance CMX381Z walking shoes/sneakers; 5 dress shirts; and a fleece outerwear thingy.
  2. Billy finally came out as a cross-dresser. (applause) x3 5 seconds in and 'wtf?'
  3. Yeah, because before that, it's all just fun and games. Thanks.
  4. Move 'ZIG' for great justice.
  5. Please...we're not falling for this again.
  6. To tease. (That's my guess, anyway.)
  7. Maybe to you, but I think it is accomplishing exactly what the OP intended.
  8. It's spelled, 'youse'. Oh, and x3 on the :'( for your kitty. I <3 kitties.
  9. You Don't Know Dick
  10. Za! Bunch of cold pizza. Going away parties rule. Except for the fact that it usually means someone is going away.
  11. Well, I laughed at that, so it can't be too underdeveloped.
  12. We'll see -- thanks!
  13. Your sig sucks, but the fact that you loaded linux, and the first thing you did was log on to Head-Case to brag about how fast the install was (and the fact itself that it was fast) is cool beyond words.
  14. You know, as much as I prefer the harass until exit approach, it's hard to harass someone who doesn't actually read the forum.
  15. A catscan.
  16. Sounds too good to be true -- I anticipate! And I agree with you about what you said about Tristania vs. Nightwish. I always liked Nightwish, but Tristania (especially the more recent albums) are on a whole 'nuther level.
  17. What they said!!!1! Except for the part about the pen.
  18. So literally, cables on a shoestring budget.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um0R18YARNQ
  20. One of his more civilized melt-downs -- you got lucky. I like jamming.
  21. They haven't technically split up yet, as far as I know. From wikipedia:
  22. The Amoeba haul: Notwist, Only in America Peter Gabriel, Shaking the Tree (SACD) Real Tuesday Weld, London Book of the Dead Clay People, Waking the Dead Praga Khan, Skyscraper Vladislav Delay, Whistleblower Tied + Tickled Trio, Aelita, EA1 EA2, & EA1 EA2 RMX Flanger, Nuclear Jazz Various Artists, Imaginary Friends, The Unfinished, Eyelicker Unkle, War Stories Delia Gonzalez|Gavin Russom, Relevee Biosphere, Dropsonde Bodycode, The Conservation of Electric Charge Anthony Rother, Super Space Model Manual, Lost Days, Open Skies and Streaming Tides Lithops, Queries, Uni Um It Black Strobe, Burn Your Own Church, A Remix Selection Twine, Reference Oval, Dok, Systemisch, and Szenariodisk Yes, I know, I blew a wad. I got carried away, and I've been having DT's from Tower, so it's the first time I've been in a good music store in a while. They have vinyl, too.
  23. Wallpaper, dude, not paint.
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