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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. They look like wooden mannequin parts. Specifically, boobies. Or, perhaps, hips.
  2. "...Satan, sitting there, is smiling..."
  3. Meridian DSP active loudspeakers
  4. Just leave it in the jar -- a jar candle -- you know, that'd work for me, I think I'll do that.
  5. Elephas -- I remember that shoot-out, so yeah, you're exempt. Yeah, but they're not black. Not a complete deal-killer -- I like titanium as well -- so I will proabably still get a pair. But I mean, c'mon -- BLACK. Oh, and re: Reference 3A -- they're already on my radar. Their Corian-baffled speakers can be made with any Corian that Dupont will make, including like a dozen different flavors under the category of black. The Thiels look nice in black, but I'm so used to seeing them in wood. The Gallos come in black as well.
  6. Pull a John Wayne.
  7. The wax container -- the mold, essentially. What are you using for the mold?
  8. Fascist! Did you see that? Now we see the violence inherent in the system...
  9. I can't read this thread title without thinking that this must be some sort of scat fetishist search engine. Not that there's anything wrong with that. No, wait a minute, yes there is: ew, gross.
  10. When did the 950LTD come out? Like 8 months ago? Why am I only hearing about it now? It's fucking black, goddamnit, you all are supposed to inform me of these things.
  11. What about getting it out of the container?
  12. Hey, are you going from instructions for this, or are you just winging it? I wouldn't mind doing something similar.
  13. I swear, it sounds like you guys are hearing different headphones than I. I agree that it has better bass than most headphones, but "...less refined..."? "...muddled..."? Nope, didn't hear it that way at all. But then, I heard them from the beginning on some pretty high end gear, so...there ya go. Are you sure you're not just hearing FOTM backlash? You know, just because it's a FOTM, doesn't mean it's bad. Ben -- at least take the opportunity to hear a pair if you can. I'm not going to say buy a pair outright, because obviously they may not be for you, but don't discount them outright, neither.
  14. I thought she hated the 2000?
  15. color-depositing shampoo and conditioner
  16. Yeah, I imagine so. The environment does not sound conducive to omnis at all. I would pick a very directional speaker, and listen to them nearfield if possible, midfield if nothing else. Focal Utopia Be series? I suspect that room could handle the Alto, or perhaps the Diva, if you want to cut out a couple thou. Wait, you want to throw the architect at him? Oh! You want ideas to throw at the architect. Ethan Winer: ...on acoustics ...on building a better bass trap his forum [me=Dusty Chalk]is greener, though his text is red (and read, for that matter)[/me]
  17. Yeah, I guess when you say it like that -- that it's much less important in HDTV, especially if it's post- line-doubling -- ...I guess. I still wouldn't want it, myself, though. It's a lot easier for you to say, not having to look at them every day. Do you still think you'd feel that way if you owned it yourself? I tell you whut -- I'd be counting pixels, if it were me.
  18. Yeah, I drooled over the Bishops for a long time, until I found out they had quality control issues with them (which are supposedly fixed with the Chimeras, from the same source that I learned that from -- namely the company itself). So yeah, get them. FOTM Duevel Audio Jupiter loudspeakers? Equinox Audio Jupiter loudspeakers? Jupiter Audio Ganymede loudspeakers? Whut?
  19. Heaven...is a place...where nothing...ever happens...
  20. Oops, he did say dynamics. Open or closed? If you don't mind closed, I'd say go for the new totl Denon - D5000.
  21. Whatever the new Stax Omega 2/SR-007's are going to be. The old ones are some of the best sound I've ever heard, properly amped (Blue Hawaii/KGSS/ES-1).
  22. 10m x 10m? Slate? Glass? Concrete? Yeezh. Good luck with that. At least put some bass busters in the corners, but really, you need some wall-rugs and carpeting. I would go for something soft-ish, like a cloth-dome tweeter, such as those in the Spendor S3/5, or perhaps a Vandersteen/Vanderstene/however it's spelled. The 5A was picked by Robert Harley as the >US$2K speaker he would buy if he had to live with it, in the most recent issue of Absolute Sound. You might also want to look at Nearfield Acoustics' Pipedreams, they're supposed to reduce the effect of the room. ...and a dCS Scarlatti stack? I hate you.* *Not literally, it's just an expression of envy. PS What are Jupiters?
  23. Yeezh. (makes a mental note to stay the fuck away from these things)
  24. Welcome to the club.
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