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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I'm not sure I completely agree with this. To me, euphony means colored, which is mutually exclusive with neutrality. Now, if you meant that neutrality and pleasantness or sweetness (which is the technical definition of euphony) are not mutually exclusive, I have to admit that I'd not be able to argue with you. But when we talk about euphonic colorations introduced by our gear (and I completely agree with the precept that all gear colors the sound somewhat), that's what I usually interpret us to be talking about when we talk about euphony. Oh, and WRT "dry" -- I come from the studio world, where "wet" means lots of reverb, and "dry" means no reverb, so when I say that particular equipment is "dry", it usually means I hear very little smearing of the signal. Not at all the way most people understand me, unfortunately.
  2. I disagree (and I'm not talking about head-fi here) -- there tends to be two schools of thought -- accuracy vs. euphony. If all people wanted was accuracy, why would there constantly be a small portion of the population that would disrecommend buying "accurate" studio monitors for home use rather than home speakers? One of the problems is, no-one can agree on what constitutes the "absolute sound" when it comes to euphony, because there are many approaches to this, and for example with speakers, there are many "house sounds". For example, what is "dry"? Shouldn't that mean accurate? And yet, usually people hate "dry" delivery. One of the things I like so much about my Singlepower amp is that it's so clean and dry in its delivery, but every once in a while, I crave that tube-y-ness (the Wheatfield, for example, is one of the nicest amps I've heard that I would describe as "tubey").
  3. What, this: ...? I still don't see how that is apropos. If you were addressing the "50 year old" aspect, "revolutionary" is hardly a requirement. "Not ancient" is sufficient.
  4. If you read back a few posts, I've mentioned that I've heard the SA5000. They're not total crap -- I completely disagree with this assessment. And "most would say" -- that would be head-fi? Where "most would say" stuff about stuff they've never heard? That doesn't count. They're just regurgitating others' opinions.
  5. You make those sound like bad things. Bud how did they sound? That's all that should matter with headphones.
  6. Well, the cRaptor would explain it. I'm not familiar with the sound signature of the HA5K, and I don't even know what the BCL is. I mean, I'm sure I'll go, "ooooooohhhhhh!!!!!1!" once you tell me, but right now I'm not coming up with it.
  7. Why does it have to be revolutionary? Why can't it just be a well-engineered headphone?
  8. Wait, what?!?!? I mean, yeah, I saw your reasoning, but I just don't hear it as congested. What amp are you using again?
  9. $25,000 Do you realize, even if I sold my car, my speakers, my amps, and any other large items I could think of, I still wouldn't be able to afford it?
  10. I don't know if it'd be worth saving a nickel, when it probably will just go back into reshipping.
  11. You're exaggerating. I've heard the SA5000 (specifically, Juan's pair, don't know if it was recabled at that point or not), and it's certainly not that bad.
  12. Either that, or (a) he's confusing "Santa Claus" with the movie, "The Santa Clause", or ( he's utilizing the old spelling, Santa Klaus, which would mean that he's still misspelling it, or © it's against his religion to spell it correctly.
  13. I think you're reading "bot" a little too literally -- there's the physical robots with which we are familiar from the movies, and then there's the world wide web "bots" that are just programs that do stuff repeatedly. He's of the latter variety. Unless someone builds him a Mindstorms kit.
  14. Spamster!
  15. No, he's just illiterate.
  16. yo mama's pretty fast
  17. You don't think there's something mannequin-ish about those wooden enclosures? image link
  18. Yeah, I was just demonstrating my non-wussiness. "Posturing", as it were. You should search on "fuck you, you fucking fuck", or "fuck you, you fucking cocksucker" -- it's almost at meme levels in these here parts.
  19. The rational explanation is that not everyone knows how to handle themselves on the internet, and Billy is one of them. What more than that do you need? This happens all the time, it's not really new (and it certainly doesn't take a doctor to diagnose). And it's not really the same as Tourette's or bipolarity at all. I think the technical term for it is "immaturity".
  20. Or what was that other one, who had a name like Professor something -- it was on a flash gordon type show.
  21. Jesus! Can you run them down, please? I know the leatherheads on the left, but the rest I'm not sure about -- looks like W2002's in the middle, but I'm pretty sure at least two of them are not. And what are those on the right? And why do you need two?
  22. I don't think they take offense because they think it's a bad thing, I think they take offense to someone who isn't actually bipolar using it as an excuse to act stupid, even if that excuse is espoused by someone such as you, who, although maybe a doctor, isn't the kind that diagnoses such afflictions.
  23. I am still fond of the Rykodisc series, as I was in that other thread. Worth hearing, at least. I wouldn't mind hearing (track names, as I have much Bowie) examples of the high-frequency stuff you're talking about.
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