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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. *ahem*
  2. Performance Service Plan -- Best Buy -supplied extended warranty which one purchases
  3. I like the black Beyers.
  4. heh-heh-heh...
  5. What does that mean? Is the reason things are cheaper through places like EIFL, audiocubes, and the pricejapan network of retailers because they're being sold domestically (in Japan) and then being shipped to us? Why would that be cheaper than being sold to us directly?
  6. I have a feeling it's also a function of whether or not you're deaf at higher frequencies or not. The people who have the higher frequencies attenuated (without being painful) will prefer the brighter headphones without finding them overly edgy/bright/whatever. Or you could switch to something less laid back, such as the Beyer DT880.
  7. Going to the website, it seems it's still considered class A+, so...WTF?
  8. So far: pretty (I haven't opened it yet). All those people cartoons on the cover have been hammered outwards from the inside. Very textual, but I suspect if I keep it alongside anything else, they'll start to rub off on whatever it's next to.
  9. No, the Mullard caught my eye as well -- but that one I understood. BTW, those pics are really nice pics -- your iPod looks pristine.
  10. Miles Davis, The Complete On The Corner Sessions
  11. Why do you have the specs for the PMD-100 printed out? Just curious.
  12. In mathematical terms, ">" means "greater than", and ">>" sometimes means "much greater than". Anything beyond that is merely exaggeration on the part of the writer, and speculation on the part of the reader. I suspect, however, that it would be like saying "much much much greater than" -- rather childish, although sometimes we do that on purpose for humorous effect, such as "evah" or "!!!1!". You got a problem with that? This is a message board -- if you're going to post publicly, expect responses from anyone. If it was meant to be a private communique with jpak, then PM him. I should go "take the piss". BRB, GGPP.
  13. Somehow, I suspect that these people act similarly intolerant of contradicting opinions in real life, as well. Maybe they've been surrounded by yes-people for most of their lives, or their mothers would always tell them they were right, or something. Or maybe it's just too much testosterone. Either way, they're the kind of people who raise their voice when challenged, and speak in terms that don't allow for differing ... anything. I don't know...
  14. Nice. Civil and brutal. Sovkiller would not happen on postjack's forum.
  15. I concur with the necessity for a serious amp. Even something like an AudioValve RKV would do nicely. I used to listen to my 600's out of one for all kinds of music, including metal and orchestral. Very nice combination.
  16. 25 is "like" 20 of them. Why don't you just buy 25 of them? I still have my BASF ceramics for mastering.
  17. L3000 with aplomb, I might add. They're not that different -- both are "busy" musics.
  18. And they say sarcasm doesn't convey in print.
  19. So...this isn't semantics? Oh, and I think it's supposed to be added together, not multiplied. I mean, 4 exclamation points doesn't mean 4 times as loud, does it? It just means three "units" louder than one exclamation point. I would even go so far as to say it's asymptotic -- I mean, do you really care if it's a thousand >'s, or a thousand and one? Beyond a certain point, one just starts ignoring those things.
  20. Oh yeah, that'll be very convincing. It'll even be right two times a day.
  21. That was the way I understood it as well. The counter-argument regarding audio-technica headphones is therefore, "so audio-technica designs are not old?", not that they should be revolutionary. BTW: I, too, am "taking the piss", as it were. Although I probably shouldn't use that particular expression around here.
  22. Half of us are banned from that site -- screenshots, synopsis -- something.
  23. And that's pretty much all I need. I think I need a custom watch. I'm going to get two -- one that is as black as possible, and another one that is black where the first one isn't (I.E. hands, pips, etc.), and then have a watch maker or watch repairer swap the parts. And then sell the other one on eBay as a custom "all-white" jobby.
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