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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Pfff. It's not so much that I abandoned sex, so much as sex abandoned me.
  2. Anyone abandoning headphones for speakers and/or sex, please contact me to sell me your cool gear. Please and thank you.
  3. There's a whole concept ... I call it CMR -- "Celebrity Most Resembling" ... I think it was first propagated by William Gibson or Bruce Sterling, where people used it to pick out strangers in a crowd, for example, picking up someone at the airport.
  4. Awesome, you can be the grandfather godfather.
  5. Pfff.
  6. That's almost redundant. I was just telling some friends earlier this story how before there were humans, there were these aliens that landed on earth not unlike cats. Then an omnipotent being materialized and told them that soon life would be evolving on this planet, and, in all likelihood, wipe them out. They had several choices -- one was to allow themselves to be dumbed down and treated as pets by this new species. Dumbing them down would prevent them from being perceived as a threat, and therefore allow them to survive. The cats said, "sure, that one".
  7. Okay, so now you have two copies of the same CD, one without the cover?
  8. Can I be treasurer? We ought to be rolling in dough since we're not spending thousands of dollars on ridiculous headphones.
  9. But really, my words fail at the hilarity of the image.
  10. VPI turntable, I presume, into Singlepower as a pre -- what are you using as a phono pre?
  11. Re: smilies -- I rejoice! And: Halp! Halp! boomana is being repressed!
  12. Dusty Chalk


    You could try contacting an administrator about it. "Correcting factual information in post" or somewhatnot.
  13. Dusty Chalk


    Wouldn't that be, "...My Reflection"? (Note the singular.)
  14. Someone had a tattoo of a cat on their stomach -- bellybutton == asshole of cat in typical cat "TMI" style.
  15. $31?!?!? eBay is god's way of saying you have too damn much money. And: which remix?
  16. No, bad. Post publicly, please.
  17. Dusty Chalk


    Big fan of the movies (although I suck at being a fan -- haven't even seen Naqoyqatsi yet) -- Koyaanisqatsi itself is in my top 10 favourite movies of all time.
  18. Yeah, but he also said circumaural. Well, actually, that's almost mutually exclusive with circumaural, so you may indeed want to look at Grados, as they will not heat up your ears too much. Most of my circumaurals are closed, and therefore they do get really warm if it is anything above 69 degrees Fahrenheit. Or perhaps offer drugs (Midol) or alcohol first. Or perhaps just bribes in general. Or maybe just promise (falsely) a lot of asskissing. There are many ways to our good sides.
  19. No he can't (see "comfortable" requirement).
  20. That's, like, your opinion, dude. And having a vested interest doesn't necessarily mean ulterior motives -- it could be they're vested because they believe in the technology. And at that level, I suspect that to be the case.
  21. Nothing wrong with that. And yeah, feeling out your room(s) acoustically is a good idea as well. I also agree with the advice of not being in any kind of rush, and auditioning as many speakers and as many different kinds of speakers as possible. That's always good advice.
  22. I realize this is a moot point, but I think this still needs to be pointed out: I'm confused -- you're thinking about spending 10K on amps, but you can't afford 10K speakers? You should probably rethink your budget distribution.
  23. You obviously don't own any cats. That's hilarious to cat owners.
  24. I humbly disagree. I know of at least two high-end upconverters that convert 16/44.1 PCM to DSD, and they're both considered desirable (Meitner, dCS).
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