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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. But that's just your two pence.
  2. Okay, maybe "sarcasm" isn't exactly the right word, but you get the idea. We're goofin' is all.
  3. -10 sarcasm recognition points
  4. Ety's, dude.
  5. Moderators! Threadcrappers!
  6. That. And if it's not in the database (or you don't have network connectivity when you rip), then manually type it in. Lame should automatically tag it internally if it has the information to start with, unless you fucked up the settings (which I doubt).
  7. Oppo Oppo Oppo Oppo Oppo
  8. Pfff. That said, I wouldn't want to have to pay it either.
  9. It should be okay now -- try clearing your cookies. Look in both head-case.org and www.head-case.org.
  10. Those couches look comfy -- why is everyone leaning forward?
  11. It should be fixed now. But the downtime was suckage. I had to actually do work. We really are Head-Fi, Jr., in so many ways.
  12. The Ack Dack is a DC area favourite. I'm probably the only one who's never owned one.
  13. And no edit window to speak of -- you'll be surprised at what you want to take back, and it's not the goddamnits.
  14. I thought they were AKG's (if this is the same show I saw on Sunday on actual television). And: yeah. Those "golden ears": "I've worked with Beyonce', and Duran Duran, and blah blah blah..." -- yeah, fidelity is real important with those guys. (Although I like Duran Duran musically, their production is nothing special. I might give them a "B-"/"C+".)
  15. Kinda sucks.
  16. It's not a Mike Oldfield release, per se -- it's a various artists compilation from Virgin Records, on which Mike Oldfield appears. I ran into the same thing (never heard of it, discovered it, had to have it immediately). IIRC, there's some good stuff on there -- I think Tangerine Dream and Klaus Shulze...nope, found it -- just Tangerine Dream, no Klaus Schulze, but there's some Henry Cow, Hatfield and the North, and other good proggy stuff, if you're into that. I have no idea what that Tom Newman collaboration is.
  17. This would not happen on postjack's forum.
  18. No, I don't think you've posted that one before. So thanks -- my feet do the "happy dance" too, when I"m eating something that I really really enjoy. Although I don't expose my harblz like that.
  19. Jesus that's a lot of headphones.
  20. I know, I know.
  21. No, you're not a spaz -- I hate that shit, too. And congratulations on being able to hold down a job.
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