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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I'd like to get mine in a sealed enclosure, but...are there any other alternatives than Larry? I guess I could always go the frankenstein route and have someone put them in an alternate enclosure, like a CD3000. R10 or a W100.
  2. With the X-Tone, yes. And technically, it's a SDS-- (I.E. not fully a SDS, but more than a Supra).
  3. Then by all means keep it and take excellent care of it. Mine was good at first, but deteriorated after only a month. Baby that sucker -- you must have gotten one of the exceptional good ones. Now that I know they exist, I'm going to start complaining about my problems, perhaps I'll be able to invoke the lemon law and get another one.
  4. You're doing it wrong.
  5. You're just jealous because you don't have one.
  6. Gloco! Welcome to Head-Case, sorry about your thin skin!
  7. There's actually a review of this preamp in a recent issue of UHF magazine (Canadian high-fi magazine) (the one with the Linn Artikulate on the cover).
  8. I'm going to have to wear sunglasses -- any chance of putting them back? Why were they removed, for that other thing you were talking about? Didn't you read my black is green link in the slow forum thread? We're wasting millions of picowatt-hours (too lazy to do the math).
  9. Welcome to head-case, markl, sorry about your thin skin.
  10. They're comfy. I have #13. \m/
  11. 's'truth -- anything said with a British accent is an order of magnitude more palatable on the ears. Mark -- any chance you can get a recording of this guy? Or a video? Don't do it if it's going to get you into trouble, but if you can do it without arousing suspicion, do it.
  12. Ha-ha, his head-fi link is down. 's'probably the first good thing to come out of head-fi's down-ness. You should report it. I would, but my link is at work, and I'm too lazy to look it up right now.
  13. No, I've also had it confirmed by a co-worker -- when he had his Treo, he was constantly getting "you missed a call" when he never heard it ring, and dropped calls. As soon as he upgraded his phone, the problems went away. Also, I never had any problems before I upgraded to the Treo. Also, I had it confirmed by someone who used to develop applications for Palm. Known problems. And you know it's bad, when the knowledge is so widespread that it trickles down to the developers.
  14. The themes disappeared again.
  15. Audio-Technica A950LTD Gorecki Symphony 3 -- the performance on SACD, not the one that's being talked about here, though I'll probably get that one tomorrow after listening to this one. Al Di Meola, Diablo-collicky name too long to rememberventions and seduction for solo guitar volume 1 Absolute Sandman II a couple Claiborne dress shirts in "deep purple"
  16. If I've learned nothing else from Hirsch, probably the single most important thing I've learned from him is the importance of synergy. Yes, there are some amps that drive a lot of different headphones well (my Singlepower), but there are also some headphones that are so finicky, that not only do they need a specific amp, but sometimes they don't even shine until they have a specific source on the other side of that amp. I don't completely understand it, but I have experienced it. Well said.
  17. It's my fault. I forgot to put on my de-douche-dorant yesterday.
  18. Why don't you never start the finder?
  19. The Treo has a problem dropping calls and signal strength.
  20. What were you testing them out with?
  21. I really like.
  22. Yes -- pictures, or it didn't happen.
  23. You don't? Oh, okay, I missed this, the first time through.
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