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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I've been watching this cat for what started out as a couple weeks, has evolved into several months, and I have now taken ownership. I've known her on and off through the years, but am only now taking full responsibility for her.
  2. No, it's not a format -- but it renders the necessity of multiple formats moot, dunnit? It's the eBook equivalent of a universal player, innit?
  3. They have legs?
  4. No, that reflects my experience as well -- that's why I was wondering. I was the SA and the DBA, as well as the developer and the guy who carted the trash to the door.
  5. I wonder if he's turned the indexes off? Sometimes that slows things down. Especially if he has to rebuild them when he's done anyway.
  6. Are you sure about that? If "different" was supposed to modify "think", then yes, but isn't there are an admittedly more rare construct of verb predicate-adjective? Or would it have to be in quotes for that to be correct? For example, "Be different" (probably a bad example, since imperatives have an implied subject, I.E. "you", and in this case, "different" is modifying "you", but in "think different", "different" is not modifying "you").
  7. Yeah, there is -- it's called a laptop.
  8. L, yeah, fireworks are a unique auditory experience.
  9. Way too young for me, but in the interest of full disclosure, I probably wouldn't turn down a quickie from any of them.
  10. No, I didn't miss it, I only neutered the follow-up, because in my mind, the damage was done. But yeah, if people are going to keep linking back to it -- gone (-ish).
  11. Study finds swearing good
  12. Cool! I've got a small home studio myself, but haven't done anything with it yet. Your music tastes are also interesting (I tend to like instrumental-heavy music, myself, although I know very little besides Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree, and maybe King Crimson and other progsters -- I will have to check out Gentle Giant after that description).
  13. Which Musical Fidelity pre are you comparing it to?
  14. I'm confused, I thought one was the asshat, not wore the asshat. Unless by "wearing", you mean that you're being an asshat magnet -- I.E. dealing with them.
  15. It (Cary/R10) certainly is a nice combination if you don't mind a lot of tubey-ness, but it's a form of distortion, and certainly one of the nice things about the R10 is its ability to convey detail, and you kind of lose that with this combination. You've basically reduced the headphone to a <US$1K headphone.
  16. Yup, pretty much. PS J/K...
  17. Vocal booth? You have a home studio? What kind of music?
  18. Way too much cat-hating in this thread, guys, can you tone it down a bit, please? I don't mind a good joke, but you're just talking violence, and that ain't funny. I'm saying this as a member, not as a mod. It's just turning my stomach is all.
  19. It was a judgement call. And yes...er...I mean, "fuck yes, you fucking fuck".
  20. Part of the problem is they keep getting distracted reading everyones' private messages.
  21. I disagree -- by picking a damaging time (to the public, not to themselves -- it will always be damaging to themselves to go without work), it puts them in a better bargaining position.
  22. Er...no. We allow sarcasm, encourage it, even, but it is by no means a requirement. Some people have even been known to get carried away with the sarcasm.
  23. Thanks, Billy.
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