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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. So my mom really likes the K1000, but someone told her -- and I agree -- that she'd probably have better luck with closed headphones (she's essentially deaf -- but it's not attenuated deafness, it's more like tinnitus deafness -- high noise-floor and distortion that gets accentuated by bass notes). So, criteria are: closed, clean, airy, bass-light (I know, K1000's aren't bass-light, but she doesn't have anything special in the way of ampage...and it's still a criteria). Any suggestions? I'm thinking Sony MDR-V6...? At low volumes, it would seem bass-light, since the treble is so high in proportion. EDIT: Most of this has been superceded here.
  2. I see a balanced L3000 for sale...and two threads away, I see a "WTB: L3000", LOL.
  3. Do-it-yourself-ers and MOTs: If someone had a mid-fi device that you knew nothing about, what would be your first recommendation? I'm fond of my X-Tone, but suspect it has cheap op-amps and/or caps in there -- any recommendations? I also have a MF X-24K that I suspect could be better. For that matter, I have a whole slew of X-tube stuff -- X-Pre, X-CANv2, X-LP2 -- I suspect the recommended mods for the X-Pre would be the same as the mods on the X-CANv2, neh? If anyone wants me to post pics of internal organs, let me know.
  4. I suspect he was trying to be funny.
  5. I'm with Jacob -- I'm not seeing a preponderance of fucktardation.
  6. Seconded. No, I have to say it for myself: Wow. Just wow.
  7. That is more a function of engineering than it is of a pair of cans being open or closed. The warmest cans I know (senn hd600's) are open, the brightest most fatiguing ones that I am still fond of (Sony MDR-7506/-V6) are semi-open (technically closed, but they sure sound open to me). I'm surprised you put "open" and "IEM's" in the same breath as each other, to contrast with closed -- aren't most IEM's technically closed?
  8. Well, obviously there are going to be individual exceptions to my statement, but the ones paying the bills (which, admittedly, includes grawk) -- I.E. the ones representing head-case as an entity -- I can't see them coming to a consensus on buying ad space on Head-Fi, considering how Head-Case is treated as an entity. At least, that's how my statement was intended, even if it wasn't what I said. And for the record, I have no problems with those that love that part of head-fi which is worth loving; even you, grawk (for whom I almost made an exception in my previous post, before my thoughts were more fully formed, and I realized I didn't mean individuals). I understand it. L, I used to be one of those people. And I hardly have the animosity for Jude & co. that, say, edipisrex does, but I'm hardly in grawk's extreme either -- I'm somewhere between the two.
  9. Well, the other problem with that scenario is that I doubt anyone here wants to give money to Head-Fi, considering we're treated on the same level as expletives.
  10. What tkam said, and this: ...specifically, a "what gear you have" page. Also, because it won't fit in my pocket.
  11. Saw The Devil's Backbone tonight -- tremendous. (A film by Guillermo del Toro, prior to Pan's Labyrinth (don't know by how much), to which it had some similarities -- it wasn't as good, but neither was it trying to be -- they're different films. But they both begin with youngsters being taken somewhere in a car, and that place being both good and bad, for starters. You quickly learn not to let that distract you.) I once "dated" a junkie (which is ironic, because I'm tee-totally [or is it tee-total-ish?]). My fake girlfriends would call, converse brilliantly, read books that interest me, want to see the same movies, and make exceptional love.
  12. You bought the back half of a couch?!?!? Awesome!!!1! OTOH, good on you for coming clean.
  13. [snarky]Besides, he'd have to look them up.[/snarky]
  14. (shurgs) That's what they're called, Phi Diddy.
  15. I listen to instrumental music between noon and midnight, everything else between 10 and noon, and between 11p.m. and 3a.m.
  16. Meh -- I'd recommend a Rega Planet -- more for less (on the used market, anyway). The only thing that would separate the two is if you didn't have space for the Rega. But now we are no longer in the realm of "small form factor", and in a completely different ballpark from "portable".
  17. Yeah, or quote yourself, and modify within the quotes (and then, for extra credit, take out the quote tags).
  18. Does this go for all Hanes, or are you excluding the Beefy T's?
  19. Vicki -- Clara Rockmore?!?!? Yeah, she was the greatest. Dang thing is well nigh impossible to hold a steady note on. I had a friend who went to Robert Moog's Theremin Workshop weeklong thing. Jury's still out with me -- I like novelty (want to get myself a Nixie clock at some point), haven't had to live with it, don't know if I will tire of it (I tire of sugar and salt, so I tire rather easily).
  20. Watched Event Horizon (excellent horror flick -- kind of weird, but on the plus side, unexpected) -- definitely somewhat bad, but successfully scary -- and Samurai Chicks -- low-budget (not just straight-to-video, but shot on video) fun.
  21. I disagree -- and this coming from someone who's usually a MF fanboy -- I quite liked its form factor and its transport section, but the DAC section just sounded congested to me. It's almost like they dumbed down one of their higher-end CDP's, (or the upgrade DAC that was out at the same time), just so that they wouldn't compete with themselves. That said, it, with an external DAC (Bel Canto? Audio Alchemy? isn't the ACk dACk!? half-width?) that would also be half-width could be very nice. There was another one, but I'm not remembering it right now.
  22. I have to admit, I didn't like MatLab the first time I tried it (early oughts), but the second time I tried it (two years ago?), I was sold. It's really gotten quite nice.
  23. No, you...you really don't.
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