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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Can someone find the relevant portion of the terms of use? I went looking the other week and couldn't find anything. I know it is, but I can't hold anyone to it if I can't find the relevant section.
  2. That's called "resonance", not subsonics. You can get subsonics with headphones, they just don't rattle your house.
  3. Yeah, except that they're the ones in the wrong, not me.
  4. I got nuthin'.
  5. I love Beast Wars, and have all the seasons on DVD.
  6. [subliminal]Me. Me me me me me. Me. Only me. No-one else but me.[/subliminal] Oh, wait, there's no prize? Who the fuck cares...
  7. Unless, of course, the car is a TT:
  8. Yeah, I can do an external DAC for redbook, I have one or two lying around that I'm happy with. But it still needs to be a good enough transport for a DAC.
  9. You know, you don't need to quote the article if you link to it (especially in this case, when a subscription isn't needed to read the link) -- in fact, it's probably some sort of copyright violation. PS I prefer News of the Weird
  10. Why? I happen to like Hirsch's VPI very much.
  11. Hot.
  12. Wow, that's out of print -- where'd she get it, eBay? Melikey, I have it myself. It's great fun. I don't prefer any of the seasons -- I love the whole show.
  13. Started watching Deadwood last night.
  14. Time Traveler's Wife is next on the agenda.
  15. I don't think there are any mods that are <US$1K player + mods, are there? Actually, I think RAM mods the Oppo for <US$1K, so yeah, I'll include that. I'm looking for total outlay being <US$1K player + mods, in answer to your question. If that includes mods, that's fine. Nate -- yeah, let's leave Blu-Ray and HD-DVD out of this for now, as that's mostly video. I'm looking for a high-res audio player.
  16. "Silver"? Oh, you mean the other one on the watch you linked to -- because the link you gave us was a gold watch (as primary).
  17. That's what I thought initially -- I mean, you could garrot a barbie doll with that chain -- but after some serious consideration, I think the rest of the watch outweighs that minor infraction. I mean, did you see the filigree/inlay/whatever on the "face" of the watch? It's gorgeous.
  18. Looking to get a second, decent, <US$1K universal player. Looking at: Marantz Oppo Arcam Denon Pioneer ...which others should I be looking at, and why? Looking to buy new, as the ridiculous amount of technology turnover makes it worrisome that components (especially the transport) will too quickly become irreplaceable. Oppo strikes me as the one to beat -- with an external DAC for redbook -- anyone have any serious contenders? I'd really like to think that the Marantz changer (VC6001) is pretty good, and is tempting if for no other reason than for its ability to play multiple disks.
  19. You know, the more I look, the more I think I need want a skeleton, and Invicta seems to be the way to go with skeletons, and this one appears to be the closest to my tastes -- is that the Russian Diver one that's just north of US$800?
  20. I renamed this topic, since it's long since gone beyond just Fossil brand watches.
  21. Yeah, but I also read where she said she was going to buy it from him even if it wasn't so...why not go ahead and start using it?
  22. Vicki, have you posted impressions on your SRM-001, yet? If so, I missed them. I'm dying to hear what you think of them.
  23. Or you could just get a "universal" like the Samsung, but you'd still need the switcher for your PS3.
  24. Just finished: Ex Machina 3: Fact v. Fiction Just started: Ex Machina 4: March to War (a little light "reading" over the break)
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