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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Actually, it doesn't look like they're all from any one label. I recognize a lot of them from Columbia, for example (Al Di Meola, Return to Forever, etc.). Romantic Warrior, specifically, I know has had multiple remasters, as I have at least two of them (within reach, I might add). They might be one of those labels that also has an online store to sell stuff that they "believe" in.
  2. We got the cold, too, it just barely crested freezing today. I'm a happy boy, though -- my previous allergist said that if I prayed for stuff, I should pray for cold dry winters, because those would be best for me.
  3. How difficult would either of those be? My friend still hasn't done anything about it, and is not averse to having someone other than Pacific Valve do it. And would you be able to tell if this is one of them from a serial number? Or pics of insides? What should I be taking a picture of?
  4. That's awesome. When I grow up, I hope to become a big enough rock star to merit a bobble-head. Me: shoelaces.
  5. Wow, I'm ahead of one person on Deadwood, and someone else on BSG (I'm up to season 3 on BSG).
  6. Because it's funny? I have to admit, PCB traces do kind of look like little trails, I just wish I'd thought of it first. Stick figures would be funny, too, especially if they were holding walking sticks.
  7. I fixed your post. Lucid and informative one post, "hai guise, what's going on in this thread?" the next.
  8. (resists asking "What's the difference between the 90 and the 120?"...resists asking "What's the difference between the 90 and the 120?"...resists asking...) Oh, what the hell -- what's the difference between the 90 and the 120? Bonus brownie points to anyone who responds with the intent between the two brews, rather than just "30". Oh, and me: yet another pair of shoes. I can't figure out if I'm a 9 wide, or a 10 1/2 regular/medium/D...or something else, so when I find a pair of shoes that fits, and they're reasonably priced, I buy them. I got these one pair of Propet's -- with one pair of socks, they don't fit quite right; with another pair, they fit perfectly. (So yes, I bought them, and I'll only wear those socks with those shoes.)
  9. 'Cause suicide is painless it brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if I please. ...and you can do the same thing if you please.
  10. Welcome to head-case, sorry about the lack of a decoder ring. (Do a search on "mot" -- you'll see that DIY is the new MOT.)
  11. You been changing diapers too much. What do you feed your kids, carrots?
  12. Only if you're a lawyer.
  13. I disagree. Wikipedia says, "...It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression...", which sounds an awful lot like "inflame" to me. I thought you meant that it wasn't subtle. Let's just agree that hyperbole is a lot closer to inflammation than subtlety, 'kay? (And yes, the next time someone uses hyperbole, I fully intend to use the line, "stop it, you're giving me an inflammation".)
  14. Jeez, keep up, it was just hyperbole.
  15. No, there was a question in there, I.E. which is it? My point was that hyperbole can be inflammatory.
  16. Okay, I think I finally got grawk's point -- I completely misunderstood. He was saying Aaron was not being subtle, I.E. using hyperbole. So in a sense, by my saying that what he was saying was inflammatory, I was agreeing with him. But with you, I'm still lost -- you're saying he was using hyperbole, but that it was not inflammatory -- so which is it? I think you accidentally followed my lead a little bit -- Dan was saying that it's perfectly acceptable to be inflammatory when subtlety doesn't work -- which in this case, was not being used at all (yes?). I don't think I ever blamed anyone else for my ignorance, I just didn't understand what was going on. I take full responsibility for my mistake. Oh, and Mike, you want to take a whack at me? Fuck off and die.
  17. And again, spin-doctoring to your own agenda (in this case, defending Aaron).
  18. You used the word "acceptable", implying I was saying otherwise -- I was trying to explain how I was not calling his post "unacceptable", but rather just contradicting him and/or calling him names. -10 reading comprehension points for you, -5 writing comprehensibly points for me.
  19. Saying it is not inflammatory does not make it not inflammatory, it just makes you (a) wrong, ( a liar, © all of the above/a lawyer. And I question anyone who talks about raping kids as being (a) subtle, ( not an ass, © not inflammatory. I stand by my statements.
  20. ...and (you're probably too young to know this) was a reference to "Mork & Mindy" -- an early TV show starring Robin Williams.
  21. I never said he shouldn't post. I just called him an ass on this. I think you're giving him more credit than he deserves by believing subtlety from his post. The mention of "rape" is hardly subtle -- it was deliberately inflammatory, and hence the "shouldn't be a mod" comment.
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