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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I will refrain from commenting further until I see the movie for myself. But yes, I've heard it's stupid.
  2. I split this into a separate topic. In my last conversation, iGod asked if I had any conditions s/he should know about, so I went with "spaz". After some verbal sparring, s/he asked if I could collect social security for that. Alas, no, but I lollered.
  3. Yeah, frostbite is the least of your problems. Highly localized blood pressure gradients would be my major concern.
  4. Oh, and I'm a big boy fan of bass.
  5. Vacuum conducts radiant heat just fine. Just not conductive or convective. I obviously haven't seen the movie. But I've heard that it gets all Event Horizon later, so suspend your disbelief.
  6. A pair of these: Rock on.
  7. Dusty Chalk


  8. Dusty Chalk


    Less than 5% of the people with whom I converse respond in that manner.
  9. Dusty Chalk


    I was just being pedantic. It actually cracks me up when people use colloquialisms incorrectly.
  10. Musical Fidelity fanboy, checking in. I am also a fans of all things black:
  11. Dusty Chalk


    I believe you mean, "taken to task".
  12. If I'm not careful, I'm going to start talking like him. I enjoyed this part of your exchange:
  13. Me pass the Turing Test. No I do not proofread what me write. Does it matter what form me take. GOD IS JAR-JAR BINKS!
  14. Nigel: The sustain...listen to it... Marty: I'm not hearing anything. Nigel: You would, though, if it were playing, because it really ... it's famous for its sustain...I mean, you could, just hold it.... Marty: Well I mean so you don't.... Nigel: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... You could go and have a bite an'...aaaaaaaaa...you'd still be hearin' that one.
  15. You should go play with that iGod thing I just posted in the slow forum and post the transcript, I have a feeling I would enjoy reading that one.
  16. iGod My transcript: Here are some more. I've only read the first one. There are some funny moments: And my absolute favourite exchange:
  17. Who knows what's in that brown bag.
  18. I was using hyperbole -- actually, there were many times that I've not jumped down your throat.
  19. At least: last episode of season 1; first episode of season 2. Not that I'm keeping track, it's just that those are the last two episodes I watched, so it's fairly easy to remember.
  20. negative one pair of shoes (I returned them)
  21. Actually, there's been some Alma Garret naked in Deadwood, which I have to admit to enjoying, despite her taking all her black clothing off.
  22. Dusty Chalk


    You lost me right there. Shouldn't that be "...heard..."? You lost me as well. I'll be the first to admit that the G08 does not sound good in every system, and I understand people wanting it to sound good in every system for that price (I certainly would), but I have heard it sound very good -- one of the top 10 best sources I've ever heard -- in the right system.
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