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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I don't think a vampire would become a vampire if it were embalmed...in Joss Whedon's version of the mythology.
  2. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

    We were curious...a case of Nair...accidents happen...
  3. Lala would be too much work for you?
  4. No! Don't change them, they look exquisite.
  5. Alright, but from a distance, they looked really even and ...uh...purposeful? Prepurposed? Professional! ANYWAYS, I stand corrected. I have a bunch of questions -- is this over on Head-Fi somewhere, I can read it there if you don't want to post again, but...I'll just ask them here: What's special about the 50th anniversary? What is the "Sextett"? What is the "Diffuse field"? Are any of them closed? No K271? Are you a member of the AKG forums? You should post that pic there if not.
  6. As much as I like your pictures, they're pretty extreme. They almost remind me of those pics that I saw that make real people look like little toys.
  7. But your closet looks so professional (which is another reason I called bullshit). I doubt the official AKG ones would look as good. So which one (besides the K1000) is your favorite? Do you have any of the older ones, like the one that was oriented towards the bassist, or any of the 600 ohm models? If you ever recorded something, would you get AKG microphones?
  8. Poor Al. I just watched the third episode of season two.
  9. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

    I'd get a rescue.
  10. Open-office.org will get you around the Office files problem. There's dozens of ways to get your files out of iTunes. Pictures are a snap. What format are your research projects? Oh, wait, it doesn't matter (see sentence #1). What is Note-One? If you take out your hard drive and put it in an external case for $14.99 or whatever, you could probably experiment as it is. That said, linux is not for everyone. But if you're technically savvy at all, it's worth trying. You can create one of those non-destructive bootable DVD's and try it. And just think -- the bootable version runs from memory, a true install will be faster.
  11. No, not yet, not any time soon, neither -- I need to pay for a pair of PS-1's first. Hopefully they won't go out of print between now and when I can afford them again.
  12. Actually, I think the photos look really good. I like how it looks dwarfed by freakin' everything.
  13. Game. Set. Match.
  14. I don't believe you. (folds arms)
  15. Oliver Lieb, huh? I love his stuff. LSG's In Too Deep is probably my favourite. I can listen to "I'm Not Existing" repeatedly, put it on one of my compilibations, once.
  16. No, those are AKG's -- and it looks like a display (see light thingy on left), not a personal collection. I call BS.
  17. Arundel Mills, huh? I was just there...I better warn my sister (she's staying at the Residence Inn there). Whereabouts did you park?
  18. Don't be sorry, people are entitled to their contrary opinion...even if they're wrong.
  19. I am waiting. How do you feel about is the writing strike over?
  20. For some reason when I do this, I get a "thunder break".
  21. At which point it hung up, and I didn't feel like waiting around...no, wait, it's back:
  22. I don't know, I kind of enjoyed these two parts of the exchange: ...or maybe he she or it just likes my polite way of speaking. Next time, try asking it to please fuck off.
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