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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

    Not that there's anything wrong with that, but... Charlie Parker's nickname was Bird. I don't know, Conrad Zeus would be a cool name for a cat. Plus, wouldn't it make for an excellent story? Q: How did you come up with Conrad Zeus? V: I asked God. Q: ... V: God's not all she's cracked up to be, she also suggested Santa Claws. Q: ... V: I was nekkid at the time, too. Q: Can I buy you another drink?
  2. Sucks. Death to MRSA! Been hearing a lot about that in the news recently.
  3. Homonym. Weather vane.
  4. I'm surprised they didn't list Eurotrip under movies.
  5. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

    David Bacon == awesome Tony Blair == awesomer buying names in quantity because they're cheaper == awesomest
  6. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

    Neither have I. But Salvatore Bonpensiero == Big Pussy. That said, if you haven't seen the show, you should probably stay away from that name -- who knows, there might be one episode where the character does something that really grates against your cat. Band member/artist (Duane, Sid, Johnny Rotten, Jello [maybe you didn't like the Dead Kennedys, though])? Song? (No, don't call him Melissa.) Movie (Inigo Montaya, Humperdinck, Fezzik, The Dread Tomcat Roberts, Cummerbund)?
  7. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

    Mine was a Sopranos reference.
  8. This one went nowhere fast:
  9. Oh, you might like M?m (Mum with the accent, not the other Mum). I liked Please Smile My Nose Bleed, Finally We Are No One, and Summer Make Good. They have sort of a Stereolab/Sigur Ros thing going on. And if you end up liking them, also check out Ms. John Soda and Psapp.
  10. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

  11. Oops
  12. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

  13. So then definitely check out Red Sparrowes, I like them even better than both Pelican and Isis. "Shoegaze metal".
  14. Stereolab doesn't really fit in with the rest of them, IMHO, but based on the GYBE/Mogwai/a little bit of Sigur Ros, I get: Do Make Say Think Mono (not the Japanese one, the other one) Explosions in the Sky King Black Acid Harder: Red Sparrowes Pelican Isis
  15. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

    You haven't seen that before? (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but that's one of the most iconic LOLcats, like, ever. There are literally thousands more.)
  16. Ritter was fucking on, in that episode. Also, I like the way they implied the violence with his ex-wives, rather than showing them.
  17. Cool vid, thanks for sharing.
  18. It's basically a subsidized (by you) trading site. On the one hand, you can get a lot of weird stuff there for cheap, on the other, you don't get much for your used disks. The other major downside is that you have to wait until your disks get requested before you send them out.
  19. Go Ack Dac (battery powered).
  20. Dusty Chalk

    New Cat

    You're going to put that thermometer...where?!?!?
  21. Educated guess (as opposed to the wild-ass kind).
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