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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. And the trooglefish
  2. Is that...Beef Jerky made in China, or Jerky made out of Chinese Beef? Never mind, rhetorical question
  3. Dude, it's over. Blu-Ray won. The only question is, whether or not it will survive at all (cf. SACD vs. DVD-Audio, both of which are firmly in "niche" territory, if not "deathwatch").
  4. I'm not sure if egg-shape falls to my same criticism, though. In fact, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Imagine being on an egg surface on the inside -- if you look straight across, there are only a couple of places where you're actually looking at a parallel surface (top, bottom, "equator"). Also, one resonance is easier to deal with than three. So it's not like it's a fatal flaw to go with that particular enclosure shape. I'm not sure your first statement makes sense. A dynamic driver has rear dispersion as well as forward dispersion as well, and is figure-8-ish in shape as well. The only difference (and I won't pretend to know more about this than I do, which is well nigh naught) may be that ESL drivers handle back-EMF differently than dynamic drivers do, which I suspect is the case. As to whether that's "better" or "worse", I don't know. But either way, you still have to worry about the signal reflecting and interfering with the forward signal and causing comb filtering, so I certainly agree with your conclusion.
  5. And on an unrelated note -- a sphere, though less "boxy" than a box, still has a resonance. If it's more of an egg shape, then less so, but if it's truly spherical inside, it's like every side has a parallel surface. A pyramid would be better.
  6. Yeah, well after your explanation, I picture more of a multifaceted thing more than a true hemisphere.
  7. Banana and coffee mugs stands.
  8. That's hot.
  9. I've actually heard from an actress that it's fun to play the villainess, you can just sort of let yourself go (stage production of 101 Dalmations; she played Cruella De Vil). That said, from interview tidbits I've been reading here and there, it sounds like he was jumped up on something (possibly caffeine), and maybe he was trying to counter the effects with self-medication in the form of sleeping pills. That said, if the joker is anything like in the comics the way Grant Morrison or Frank Miller portrayed him, he's going to be one serious psychopath.
  10. Salmon Panang from Pilin
  11. Oh, okay then.
  12. You mean the Eclipse? I didn't realize that was Fujitsu. And: oh. Never mind then.
  13. I disagree that it doesn't matter. I will agree that it will matter the least with the equipment that has the best power supplies, to the point of negligible. But it's not a black-and-white issue: matter/doesn't matter. It's more like, the better power supplies your gear has, the less it'll matter, but if you want to do everything you can to improve your gear, certainly clean power can be one of them. Now, there is some gear that actually benefits from square power waves. Unfortunately, that's the limit of my knowledge -- I don't know which ones.
  14. No, the way this whole conversation started was, you were talking about spherical electrostatic drivers. "Spherical" counts as curved.
  15. Here ya go, Billy: http://www.brm-manufacture.com/images/BRM-RL45-2.swf
  16. A milkshake straw?
  17. See, here's the problem: the answer is, "no" in most cases, although you can find some "NOS" ones sold in various places. Elusive Disk Even that Arts Music (.de) link I gave has switched over mostly to SACD, although they still do DVD-A occasionally. But like I said before, some of them have 24/96 layers on every DVD-A they make (I'm pretty sure Classic Records does), and some of them will "expose" the digital out on it. Do you plan to use the Muse's internal DAC? In which case, you only have to worry about the first part. You can even look on the Acoustic Sounds website, they have them parsed out by which ones have a 24/96 layer.
  18. So, should I get a replica? http://www.p-fashion.com/bell-amp-ross-br0192-46mm-pvd-phantom-dial-.html http://www.p-fashion.com/bell-amp-ross-br01-r92-42mm-phantom-dial-pv.html If those are the actual pics, then they're pretty damn good. Anyone ever bought a replica? I probably won't, because it's still a lot of money, and they probably won't keep anywhere near $255 or $275 time...
  19. So it's okay to criticize Martin Logan for using a curved surface, but not Quad? Methinketh you doth protest too much. I mean, there's curmudgeonly (which I enjoy) and ... then there's just plain cantankerous (which gets old).
  20. On another board I'm on, they (forum members) have ruled out anything except suicide, since they're sleeping pills. I mean, I don't know much, but yeah, even every person who's ever seen any television ever knows that one way to commit suicide is by taking lots of sleeping pills -- that's pretty much common knowledge by now. So I have a hard time disagreeing with them.
  21. Le sigh. You guys are heartless.
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