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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Started third season of Deadwood. Al just got his hand smashed or whatever else it is that happened to him.
  2. Yeah, Timberland has some funky shit (they also made those other ones that y'all thought were fugly/Matrix-y/Borg-y). Melikey.
  3. I'll see you, and raise you: No, I didn't buy these...yet...
  4. Yeah, it's at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., but you have to know the secret handshake, so before you go, try to get in tight with one of the guys in the suits and the sunglasses.
  5. Pfff. (cues "balloon squeak" sound effect)
  6. I cited that source because I thought they were correct and that they explained it well, not because I thought anyone here would take anyone as an expert in the area (except maybe KG -- feel free to ask him to step in and correct me, I'm not going to bother him). No, push/pull is something else entirely. Push/pull is this -- it's when you amplify the positive side of the swings separately from the negative side of the swings. Balanced amplification is when you amplify the positive to ground signal separately from the negative to ground signal -- which you can also use push/pull to do. That's why it takes twice as much amplification, and why a balanced Beta-22 has twice as many circuit boards as a single-ended one. Your image of balanced transmission also applies to balanced amplification. EDIT: Struck phrase, distracting.
  7. see Bullet #6 under production details
  8. I bet guys who hit on girls at the shooting range are real careful they're not married first.
  9. Yup, pretty much -- I have a A950Ltd, and will be getting an A900Ti in the near future. I thought pretty highly of the A950Ltd -- I like 'em better than the W5000, except the W5000 case is a lot nicer -- sorry to see you're selling yours. Yeah, sorry, I just thought since you were posting in this thread, you'd seen that that's what's going on.
  10. You know, if he put that foot up your ass, it'd hurt really bad.
  11. I got pictures. Will post 'em later. So I went to the Dr.'s yesterday, and one of the assistants whom I see every week saw me carrying my purple shirt, and said, "I was wondering whose shirt that was, I didn't think it was yours, you always wear black..." "No, I don't, I actually make a point to wear purple on Thursdays..." "Well, I've only ever seen you wearing black, but the guy at the front desk said, no, he sometimes wears purple..." And then she figured it out, "So, do you wear your purple shirt here, or do you put it on afterwards." "Ah-ha, you're right, I usually come in wearing just a T-shirt, and don't put on my purple shirt 'til I'm on my way out the door." So yeah, it's true, I sometimes don't wear just black, and even the people who see me on those days think I only wear black. Sorry, Stephen. EDIT: Oops, no, I didn't buy a big scary albino cat, meant to post this:
  12. Don't rush me.
  13. Best place to research that is on audiokarma.org -- do a search first. Kenwood had some good stuff, but that looks like GPC (generic plastic crap). Sorry for the bluntness. On the bright side, I could be wrong. The first thing you're going to want to do is recap the whole shlamazel.
  14. I thought I was done buying shoes, but I found a brown pair that had a purple tint to them, so I bought them. There just aren't enough purple shoes in the world. And I don't mean bright purple, so don't post bright purple shoes, now that I've said that. I mean a nice muted dark purple.
  15. Balanced is not the same as having separate +/- on the L & R channels. Balanced at the source level requires 5 connectors at a minimum -- the - on each channel should be carrying the inverted signal of the +, and both should be relative to the single common ground. We in (dynamic) headphoneland get confused because balanced headphones aren't really balanced, they're faux-balanced (balanced up to a point, and then all of a sudden they're not balanced anymore, just like some high-end interconnects *). Then we get told that you really only need 4 connectors to do balanced (which again, is not really balanced, it should be called something else, like dual-single-ended, or dual-monoblock headphone amplification). That said, there should be nothing stopping you from making a truly balanced phono pre out of the DIN connection. That part of the above discussion is correct. I know Juan has a balanced phono pre, but I don't know if it's truly balanced based on the DIN connection. Paging Juan...paging Juan... * Whether or not this has a real benefit or not is outside the scope of this discussion.
  16. I'm just not a playa.
  17. Exactly. If you're going to be taking a placebo, at least go yummy.
  18. Unless the last thing you bought was three weeks ago. Fitz -- I joined a band, was told (beforehand) that, "...all they need to do is see you play, and you'll have lots of groupies". I played, lots of people saw me, was even good. No groupies. So, yes, you can have them, but no guarantee.
  19. Yes, you did. Good boy. (gives Nenso a Smartie)
  20. It's like this -- if two competing vendors sell the same product, then by all means, love in. But if two competing vendors, one of which is Sudafed, and the other of which is a placebo, wouldn't you want the people who are buying the placebo to know that they would be just as well off buying Smarties?
  21. Hey, do you think you could download that image and rehost it here as an attachment? Anyone who isn't logged in over there can't see it.
  22. That page brings up an issue that has been bothering me -- I may just have to get the AT stand. When I hang my headphones freely (including the Leatherheads, and others that have rather nice pads), they touch towards the bottom. The AT stand appears to solve this for most headphones, but as the pictures show, does not for the Leatherheads. Anyone have any recommendations?
  23. Just get both.
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