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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
  2. Okay, so possible impedance mismatch -- only when off or volume set to zero -- between the pre and the active speakers. (think think think...think think think) Will wander off to read the stuff about the active volume control, I'm thinking it's that ("active" == "doesn't work when powered off" -- so, yeah, that's my reasoning). One possibility would be to never turn off your pre. Does it have a mute? Does it buzz when you mute?
  3. Too Much...
  4. Dude, my formative years were decades ago. I think red meant passionate or murderous. Can't remember which.
  5. A study was done on the color of one's bedroom during one's formative years. Green and orange (the colors of my room) == crazy, most likely to go insane.
  6. Well, considering how many birthdays you've had, I think you out-generian us all, Mr. How-many-birthdays-do-I-have?-All-of-them.
  7. Maybe they already did, and he's wasting too much time as it is filtering through the spam.
  8. I'm confused -- you're shutting off your preamp, which is part of...your speaker rig? And hearing buzz...in your headphone rig? Do me a favor, please, start over -- source, pre, amp, speakers, headphone amp, headphones, where do the two chains split, what are you shutting off. (I also want to look up input and output impedances, where the information is available.)
  9. You say clamato, I say clamahto.
  10. Oh, and I actually watched television last night -- episode of House. Jesus Christ, that was an intense fucking show. I know they tried to play it down, but it kind of struck me as the medical equivalent of Open Water.
  11. 'zackly.
  12. I don't know. (a) I don't follow that stuff much (murders and other sordid affairs outside of band business), and ( I don't follow Immortal much. It's just that that video is kind of iconic, is the only reason I remember that particular one.
  13. 5-HTP isn't a drug, it's a natural supplement. It comes in 50mg and 100mg doses, and you can take up to 150mg per 24 hour period (I think). Also, quit being a spaz. I'm not name-calling here, I'm actually being kind of sincere -- I'm a bit of a spaz, myself, and have gone through great bouts of both insomnia, and ainmosni (== waking up at 3am [or whatever] and not being able to get back to sleep). When I was at my most calm (practiced meditation, exercised, minimized my caffeine and sugar intake, had no job, school, nor family worries), was also when I had this problem the least.
  14. Yeah, the ATH-L3000 counts as a "gem" in A-T's lineup, I'd say. ... ... Perhaps I'm underspeaking things -- they're the crown jewel, the diamond, in A-T's lineup.
  15. It never does (see: Max Headroom, Season 2 vs. Season 1).
  16. Well, I asked what your setup was, but I'm thinking that you may want to put a small resister across the load that gets turned off. Value of resister depends on input and output impedance of the two devices that are connected. A switch (the equivalent of disconnecting your cables) would accomplish the same thing. That's assuming you don't mind always listening to whatever louder than whatever your minimum is. What it seems like to me is going on is, is that when you turn your equipment off, it's effectively the same as turning the volume all the way down, input impedance-wise. Just guessing.
  17. Put me in your will?
  18. Did I post about this one already? A-T's domestic flagship, the M50: Also, it's black.
  19. They certainly look the part.
  20. Someone on another board said it reminds them of Immortal: EDIT: Or it may be another animated gif from the same series.
  21. Can we get a non-Casino impressions thread, and/or split this one over there? I mean, I can do it, but I wanted to check with y'all first. If I don't hear anything dissenting, I'll do it later tonight. I won't go any earlier than from when the meeting started, perhaps boomana's first pics post.
  22. Jyeah, those things are monsters, aren't they? Where is you (feel free to PM if you don't want to post publicly)? My guy is in Lee's Summit, MO. You could also ask around on audiokarma.org.
  23. You wanna hear them again? I'm listening to them out of the Supra. I mean, they're not K501/K1000/R10/Qualia airy, but I don't think anything in your price range is going to be. I find them to be almost Leatherhead-airy. Another thought: Ety's? I'm not sure I could stand them for 8-ish hours a day every day, though.
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