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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. You're (potentially) not missing anything -- they're not for everyone. I'm with tkam -- they're definitely not for me.
  2. ...
  3. No, I mean using the adjective "insane" to describe "cat" is redundant.
  4. If signal-ground == chassis-ground on both the 840A (or whatever) and the Quad 12L's, you could probably even connect them on both sides. I doubt that's the case, though. (bites lip)
  5. I hope it continues to go away of its own accord. I'll third the thought on temporary infection, but be particularly careful about babying your ears right now, and continue to do so after the symptoms fade. Drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest. Did anything happen on the flight back from Mayberry-on-Acid?
  6. "Insane cat" is redundant. I like her expression about halfway through -- she looks like a porn star.
  7. I officially hate you. (Anything we've heard of?)
  8. "Shielded RCAs"?
  9. Dusty Chalk

    I'm an asshat

    I think you should submit that to Engrish.com.
  10. That looks awesome.
  11. Just had a "Burrito Bol" and chips over at Chipotle -- what's a full notch above 'meh'? Chevy's, El Guapo's, Don Pedro's are all better, but they're not bad.
  12. Bummer about the lashes, dude.
  13. Please do, especially if you're right. I was thinking that, but I just assumed he was being facetious.
  14. Also, the SRM-310.
  15. I think he was being facetious. Proving to me, anyway, that he actually did lurk before joining, and gaining a sense of us.
  16. Oh. Well, that explains a lot.
  17. He does -- it doesn't buzz when he unplugs them (impedance == infinity).
  18. Oh, hubris, too. You'll fit right in.
  19. Headphone cable? Doesn't make sense -- the only way it should do that is by acting as an antenna for buzz-frequency RF, but that should be before amplification. A short, perhaps?
  20. Hi, George, welcome. A physicist, huh? If you have any science jokes, I'd appreciate them. I collect them. So far, I have one: Atom: Officer, officer, I've been in an accident! Cop: What happened? Atom: I collided with another atom, and it took off with one of my electrons! Cop: Are you sure? Atom: Positive!
  21. -10 irony-recognition points -- emoticons, colloquialisms, acronyms, spelling words with one letter -- all of it. Okay, now you're just being a fucking troll. We frown on that shit here. I happen to know for a fact that people of your age can google. Hey, at least it was a complete sentence. I could only hope...
  22. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK27aknWVI4]YouTube - Elephant Jumping On Trampoline[/ame]
  23. w/e :|
  24. I don't know -- this internet-speak shit is for the birds. I already spend a great deal of effort trying to convince Billy to speak in complete sentences, I'm wishing for an ignore feature right about now.
  25. An organizer/hanging storage unit thingy for all mah shoes.
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