Moshing is not the same as fighting, although one often leads to the other. I did read what else you said, but it pretty much sounds like whining to me. Please feel free to explain how it's not.
(makes a mental note to check out "X Japan" -- sounds like I might like them)
And before you get defensive -- I've been known to whine, too. At least I'm honest about it, when I whine, I know I'm whining. Others have been known call me out on it. One of the reasons you're attracting irritation is that any time someone criticizes you, you either get defensive or go into denial or something. You know, just once, try saying, "yeah, you're right, that was pretty whiney, I'll shut up now". You'd get a lot of points for that. There's nothing wrong with admitting you have faults -- we all have them.
(wanders off to look up "Zeitgeist")