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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. We got lots of rain, but no snow (thank goodness -- 3/4" rain == how many feet of snow?). And we're supposed to get more tomorrow.
  2. And first thread -- although at least written in complete sentences -- is "in praise of Canz3D", I.E. "in praise of me". Canz3D -- we should explain something -- we got nothing against Members of the Trade, and street teaming, and praising your own gear. It is by all means encouraged to introduce us to your wares, especially if they are something we are not yet aware, and could possibly be good. What we hate, is when people pretend not to have any financial association with the vendor. So by all means, come out, it'll gain you some brownie points. Oh, and welcome to head-case, hope you have thick skin (because if there are any faults in your wares, we'll point them out, too).
  3. Goddamn, that looks just like Allison, except with darker hair. (staples self in palm of hand to avoid thinking about something so painful)
  4. And the reasoning they used was that it cost more than that to make.
  5. I can't seem to find the original pic of Jack -- is the guy in the background digitally altered as well? Because, that would be, like, pure-win-to-the-sleepy-eight.
  6. Core solo is gone. I would go for the US$779 one, but I ain't got that much dosh raht now.
  7. Well, here's the thing. I mentioned this to someone, and they couldn't believe that it was an actual Apple iPhone, and suggested that it was most probably a knock-off.
  8. Dude, these are parts, not computers. Have you seen the prices of opamps come down "quickly"? I didn't think so. That said, I believe their original estimate was US$300+, so this has already been corrected updated at least once.
  9. iSuppli's breakdown of iPhone costs I don't think they can come down that much more.
  10. +11 passive aggressive score
  11. No, he's right. I mean, it's Monster, fer chris' sake, I bet I could tell the difference if they used some sort of silver cables.
  12. After reading the article in WIRE, a couple of Hot Chip disks.
  13. At the Apple Town Hall today (iPhone SDK rollout), pharm software company Epocrates demoed a prototype that they've been developing over the last two weeks. Is that the one you use?
  14. Is that an actual hospital fire sale?
  15. I'm more interested in how it sounds. If it sounds good, I don't care how ugly it is. I don't think it looks as bad as others do. That said: Wood side panels, metal fascias == good; tri-color scheme (wood, silver, black), black screws/bolts/retainer clips/whatevers in otherwise light front panel == not so good. I'm thinking if he had gone with a black front panel, or with silver screws and a silver top, either of those choices would have been better.
  16. I think those pics are digitally altered to make them look like they have no necks, not that they actually look like that.
  17. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring -- The Complete Recordings
  18. I did that once. Mine was Jean-Michel Jarre, Zoolook vs. Michael McNabb, Computer Music. I believe the word that my prof said to me (he wasn't sure how serious I was, therefore didn't write it down) was, "stretching".
  19. Fixed that for you.
  20. [img width=100 height=100 alt=guess what i have 4 tootsie pops]http://www.head-case.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1759&g2_serialNumber=2&g2_GALLERYSID=7e2880ca4a39fd117ce81cc3deb587e4
  21. x2 Brown is shitty.
  22. I think the Alesis Masterlink does bit-perfect rips, but I'm not sure.
  23. I'll do this part in the spirit of solidarity, 'kay?
  24. The smegma?
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