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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Another one -- this one focuses on how low a distortion you can hear. I got down to about somewhere in the -27db/-30db range with my cheesy little M-Audio Sonica/Radii HAP-03/DT770 (OTL -> 600 ohm nominal impedance headphone).
  2. Correction: I have the 202's (I got the SRS-3010 system) -- I actually like them quite a bit, they've got most of the performance of the 404's, but are just a little bit more harsh/less "smoov". Thrice can tell you more, he's borrowed them for an extended audition, and he's more familiar with the whole line than I am.
  3. Yeah, there's a product that had a target market waiting for it before it even hit the streets.
  4. Yeah, I didn't notice a huge difference between the 303 and the 404.
  5. Depends what you want, NOS or new? I like Tube Shop, but mostly because they were the first retailer to sell Ei Elites (some of the best new tubes at the time).
  6. More euphemisms.
  7. These are pretty hot. Also, key lime pie -flavored jelly beans.
  8. Okay, just makin' sure, 'cause you're kind of late to the game.
  9. That's too bad, as they're out of print.
  10. Reminds me of this thread.
  11. Yeah, but it's audiophile junk mail that you'll be getting.
  12. Reminds me of that game, "which of these is not like the others?"
  13. This topic has been moved to TV. [iurl]http://www.head-case.org/index.php?topic=3468.0[/iurl]
  14. Well...as long as the trailer took to download, there is no way I'm watching this via the intarwebz. I'll wait for DVD or something.
  15. Dusty Chalk


    Yup. There's a reason for that -- most people don't actually watch television, they just have it on in the background, so any show that actually requires you to keep up are hard sells. Not saying it doesn't happen (cf. Lost, etc.), just that it's a hard sell. I'm not saying I agree with it, but I understand it.
  16. Yup. I'm not a fan of the current line of Grados at all (I did like Juan's RS-1 with the...flats, was it?, but not enough to own them), but own the HP-2's and PS-1's. Despite not liking their comfort issues.
  17. Best. Robot. Evar.
  18. Alright, then don't, but at least hear it off a Pass Labs before you blame the K1000 for its lack of bass -- it sounds fine (not basshead fine, but perfectly adequate for subless listening) when driven with adequate amplification.
  19. How is this like anything else he's ever done? They're not even Woody Allen characters.
  20. http://blip.tv/file/520347
  21. Billy...? Why are you posting a badly shot (who's the cameraman, R2D2?) latex fetishist ( ) screen test (not even a fashion show, but just a screen test?) in which the model can't even remain upright for the entire shot (can be seen slouching in many shots)? I kept expecting a punchline, I think you posted this on the wrong forum. Yes, I watched the whole thing -- I've seen better worse.
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