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Dusty Chalk

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Dusty Chalk last won the day on February 6

Dusty Chalk had the most liked content!

About Dusty Chalk

  • Birthday 10/20/1963

Profile Information

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  • Biography
    I am a cat person
  • Location
    MD/DC/VA area
  • Interests
    Music, movies
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer/Programmer
  • Hobbies
    Music, movies
  • Headphones
    Audio-Technica L3000,A950Ltd/Grado HP2,PS1/Sony MDR-F1/AKG K501,K271MkII/Beyer DT770 (several versions)/Fostex T50RP,T40RP/bunch o' others
  • Headphone Amps
    Singlepower Supra++/SDS--...sort of; EarMax Pro
  • Sources
    SACDMods-modded Denon 3910; M-Audio Sonica
  • Other Audio Gear
    Cables, of course

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Super Secret Ultra Gold Member

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member (6/6)



  1. In the mood for Impressionism, so...
  2. Lots and lots of Bjørn Riis -- did an entire discog run and then some (repeated many tracks) "He really digs Pink Floyd" Example: Now listen to Creatures of the Night
  3. I actually gave someone an existential crisis by posting this elsewhere:
  4. https://corvidresearch.blog/2018/12/21/a-matter-of-a-pinion/
  5. RIP Karen. My sincerest condolences.
  6. Michelle Trachtenberg, at the age of 39 Foul play is not suspected, as she was recently recipient of a liver transplant and may have been experiencing complications, but an autopsy will be performed A friend of mine recently was the recipient of a kidney transplant, so this ... makes me nervous. So far so good, though (for him).
  7. Happy birthday! (party favour noise)
  8. https://www.apple.com/iphone-16e/
  9. I am now thinking of Corgis, for some reason.
  10. Ah, fuck, happy belated birthday, Colin! Or maybe almost I got half an hour on the West coast, maybe? (party favour noise)
  11. @Augsburger thought of you the other day when I was contemplating what to get from a local H-mart. Delicious, can recommend.
  12. Happy belated birthday, Jeff! (party favour noise)
  13. Saw this, made me think of you people: That speaker placement at the end, though. (cringe)
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