I made an smd GRLV power supply for my dac a have some strange results. I would appreciate any help.
Output voltage is 10.5V (it can't be any other voltage unfortunately), input voltage is 12VAC (a bit higher) so on the input of the GRLV is about 16VDC.
Output current is very constant - about 500mA
I lowered the 150R driver resistor to 100R - this resulted in more controlled sound.
I tried to remove MMBTA42 from the pass transistor so that I have single transistor instead of darlington.
I removed opamp input protection diodes - is this a good idea at 10.5V output voltage?
- With default configuration (darlington) I get very tight and powerful bass, mid range is very rich, but highs are mediocre.
- With MMBTA42 removed (single pass transistor) highs got very right and effortless, but the bass is thin and everything is less dynamic.
BTW I am using DYNALO single ended headphone amp with GRLV power supply and Sennheiser HD560S.7
Did anyone had situation like that? Does anybody know how to explain this electrically?