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High Rollers
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Everything posted by VPI

  1. Happy Birthday
  2. Happy Birthday GA
  3. Happy Birthday Steve.
  4. Thanks for the concern. Fortunately, my blizzard seems to be cleaning up after itself.
  5. I hear you. My deck was clean before our big storm blew through last night.
  6. Nikon has rebates on a lot of lenses now as well. $200 off of the 24-70 would be nice. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/promotion/10323/deep-discounts-on-nikon-lenses.html
  7. 10% off refurb products at Nikon this weekend. Inventory seems to be changing regularly but there might be some nice deals in there. D810 for 2499 plus tax is not too bad.
  8. Went to the bike shop to get my rip-off vector pedal pods installed to fix a problem with Garmin's shit design only to find out the $100 the shop charged me was just for one pod, I would need to pay $200 to fix a fucked up design to be able to use my $1700 pedals. Garmin is quickly passing Samsung as the company I am most likely to show up at their HQ some day to express my displeasure with their shit.
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. VPI


    One of my favorite songs. Really a good song for learning one of the more common chord progressions in rock n' roll. Strengthening the hand is a huge part, especially when you start on the barre chords. I have been meaning to buy some books but have not gotten around to it. Would make it a lot easier to practice the songs as my memory is not what it used to be.
  11. Froze my ass off tonight trying to shoot some night shots with the D750/20f 1.8. Caught a plane heading in to DCA
  12. VPI


    Justinguitar is really pretty great. Especially the theory parts. What songs are you working on?
  13. I have shot a lot of 30 second stars without getting star trails at all. Not sure how 10 seconds could get something that looks like that.
  14. http://www.repairclinic.com/RepairHelp/How-To-Fix-A-Washing-Machine/41-2-915469-/Frigidaire-Washer-won-t-drain-FTFB4000FS0 Not particularly useful.
  15. VPI

    Happy Birthday VPI

    Zero, I have already bought all the worthwhile guitars at that shop. I just needed case humidifiers and another Guitar Shop T Shirt for my collection.
  16. VPI

    Happy Birthday VPI

    Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. Pretty uneventful day outside of randomly running into Dusty at the guitar shop.
  17. Luckily, I have zero interest whatsoever in that body.
  18. No you are wrong Wayne, Katy Perry is much hotter than Yoko Ono.
  19. I have used one of two FoodSaver units for several years and had no complaints. The Professional Super Saver is what I used mostly now. I was eying an Ary VacMaster chamber sealer but stopped doing much SV so I never bothered.
  20. VPI


    I haven't seen them for a while but I thought they already were balanced. I guess I will have to track them down, I know the HF-2s are balanced.
  21. Love Peanut Butter M&Ms so I declare them super healthy.
  22. VPI


    I am about to decide this is the best way to guy as it will allow me to use Tidal from the iPad and potentially even bring in some of my balanced headphones for quiet time. I did buy the volume control, thanks for reminding me of this, to get me started at least as the Stealths show up tomorrow in my office.
  23. Yeah, that looks pretty awesome. I have two REI within 10 miles of my house already so I am kind of surprised they would put in another, but I won't complain.
  24. Sigma 35 is pretty great. I have also been really impressed by the 20 f1.8 so far. Not sure about Australia but always great deals on Fred Miranda for great lenses.
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