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High Rollers
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Everything posted by VPI

  1. Alright, our roster as of today is: Salt Peanuts The Monkey Raffy Sherwood NMaher VPI I am waiting on an e-mail from Aura to send an invite and then if we can coerce one more owner we will be able to field a workable league. Be sure to vote for your preferred live draft date on the league page so we can get that figured out.
  2. Finished setting up the Head-Case Fantasy Football league. Still looking for a few more team owners if anyone is interested PM me your e-mail address.
  3. Sorry, at least you had Barry Sanders for a while.
  4. At the moment we have 6 confirmed team owners. We can start a league with 6 owners but eight or ten would be a lot better. If everyone that wants to play will PM me their preferred e-mail I will set up an 8 Owner league and we will delete the two extra teams if we get no more interest.
  5. VPI

    RIP Les Paul

    I saw him not too long ago at one of his Monday night shows here in the City. Great Performer and a great innovator. The two Les Paul and Friends CDs that came out a few years ago are also great.
  6. No problem with newbies, but if we don't get some more players in the next couple of weeks I don't think it is going to happen.
  7. I was hoping you would drink heavily during and draft 14 kickers or the whole Detroit Lions squad so I could be guaranteed a freebie week during the season. Looks like we have five confirmed at the moment so we need 5 more to make this happen.
  8. Yeah I think a 10 team unit with active participants is about perfect. Todd, if you are no longer interested in managing the league let me know and I will set one up.
  9. Do you mean live drafting as in everyone gets in a room and does the draft together, while drinking heavily, or do you mean drafting your own players and not letting the computer choose them for you, while drinking heavily. How many people would we need to make this worthwhile, 10? 12?
  10. I guess this did not happen last year but I would definitely be interested in participating if we can get one going this year. I have done Yahoo and ESPN and I actually preferred ESPN.
  11. Happy Birthday.
  12. Went out and got a 32gb iPod Touch to replace my 5.5g iPod that I managed to submerge in Diet Dr. Pepper during my flight back from Cincinnati yesterday. I guess I will spend the rest of the weekend trying to figure out how to use it.
  13. Happy Birthday
  14. I am going to guess...A Turntable.
  15. I guess I will give a serious listen to the new and improved version on the 25th as the one at CanJam was not impressive but maybe he has turned the corner, and the price doesn't seem too bad.
  16. What an uncanny resemblance. I actually went into the other room to make sure my HF-2s were not playing on the Internet.
  17. Okay, in an effort to avoid the ban hammer, I am still enjoying mine and I am listening to Dave Brubeck Castilian Drums (Live at Carnegie Hall) right now and the HF-2s nail the percussion virtuoso performance on this recording. Bass is big but fortunately none of that one not lower register and the some headphones give on this song. The dynamics are also top notch and when it really gets down to it, soundstage is not bad as are ambient cues, though the space seems to have shrunk a bit. My only complaint at this point is the short cable. With the 10 foot 4-Pin extension Nate made me I can still not listen to these from my listening chair without moving it up a foot. Minor but a bit more length would have been great.
  18. I have both and if I were forced to choose I would definitely keep the Omega II. While I do not have the BHSE, yet, I have heard it many times with my Omega IIs and this is my favorite headphone set up. With my KGSS I still prefer the Omega II but the margin is not as large as the HD800s do very well with the Balanced M^3.
  19. Looks like the CanJam Blur edition will be even more special. Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - View Single Post - HF-2
  20. No the F1 batch is the first batch besides the 24 we picked up at CanJam.
  21. Happy Birthday
  22. I got an e-mail response about 5 minutes after registering but I have not seen the mailed documentation yet.
  23. Happy Birthday Justin
  24. Spinning Thriller here. Always one of my guilty pleasure albums, I must have bought a dozen $1 copies of this album over the years.
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