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High Rollers
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Everything posted by VPI

  1. I need some memory card guidance. I bought a couple of 16GB UDMA 6 Compact Flash cards today for the cameras and they are not readable by my computers. Do I need a special reader or do I need to format the cards to make them work. I have not had to do this with my name brand CF cards but these are Delkin really fast cards so I am not sure what to do with them.
  2. Some from an afternoon in NYC.
  3. Happy Birthday
  4. Happy Birthday.
  5. I see someone trading away a RB that is relegated to second string now and is technically ranked as one of the worst Fantasy RBs in the league as he managed to get negative points in his first game and dropped the ball every time it was handed to him. The WR and TE are both better than what he has now as Keller is going to be limited by sorry QB play and most his current WRs scored less than Manningham last week. I would assume that he is eyeing someone on the waivers as a RB or is working up another trade. If I hadn't seen how miserable Greene was and how much better LT was yesterday it might have seemed more lopsided.
  6. I will strap it to Colin and have him wander the halls. I think there is just something wrong with it now as last week everyone in the office was using it and getting at least 2 MBPS.
  7. You worked the waivers last week so it put you at the bottom of the list for last week. I would assume it will change soon to the inverse standings. I seem to remember that you go to the end of the list when you pick someone up and looking at the order now that seems to be the case. The top of the list are the four teams that made no changes to their teams last week.
  8. I now officially have 4G in NYC. Unfortunately it is dramatically slower than AT&T 3G.
  9. Waivers are set each week in the reverse order of standings. I can either set the trade review to a shorter period or make waivers a longer period. The easiest way would be for 5 people to approve and then I make the trade official.
  10. We have our first trade in the works. Teams need to vote on the trade to determine if it goes through. This is really to weed out the lopsided trades.
  11. So Shelly starts the season in First Place, though she should be careful as she is a 5 point underdog next week when she plays against Deepak. Second and Third place face off next week so there will be some changes at the top. We will have to wait and see how our returning champ responds to Shelly's beat down but Raffy has some work to do. Dinny's team played almost as badly as his Jets did last night. Almost. Vicki and Ivan face off against Blows Goats and the Goat Blower has a slight advantage on paper. Ivan better look at his line-up. Somehow we ended up with all the 1-0 teams facing off and all of the 0-1 teams facing off so there will be a lot of 1-1 teams at the end of next week.
  12. I definitely prefer my 5DmkII to the 50D but if I had to choose between the 5Dc and the 50D I might lean toward the 50D as it seems to be built a bit better and functions a lot faster.
  13. So I dragged the 5Dc I picked up Friday with me to grab some lunch and took some shots detailing my great adventure. Headed to Times Square to check out the activity and take pictures of the funny looking people. Hanging out under the Yahoo sign I took in the sights. Then I was harassed by a goofy guy giving me chocolate so I wandered over to the crowd. Dove was having a Teach Women to Like Football party with A-List Celeb, 21 Jump Street's own, Holly Robinson Peete. She flapped her wings for a while and talked about how much she loves Football. So I got bored with her and hit a street vendor for a grass fed Angus burger on a Brioche Roll from Frites & Meats which is evidently slated for next season's The Great Food Truck Race. Great burgers and fries right outside of the office. I could get used to this. Overall a pretty nice lunch.
  14. Great stuff Jin.
  15. So the Brent and Deepak game still has some mystery, and Nate and Vicki still have some points to score to determine winner. Looks like the rest are fairly well settled. Now it comes down to overall high score between Shelly, Nate, Brent, Brian and me to see who leads the league after week one.
  16. You got beat by Brent, and he played one player that was out with an injury. It is certainly possible. At least you didn't take Raffy's beat down.
  17. I would worry more about his shoulder than too much Foster. Way too much offense in Houston to worry.
  18. You can pick up and drop players each week from the waiver wire. Go to the players tab and you can pick a new player. Waivers all go through on Wednesday I guess and then you will find out if you got the player or if someone that is higher on the waiver list picked your player up. Right now the Waiver list is reverse draft order.
  19. Dinny beat me to start me at 0-1 last season but I am feeling okay with the lead I have built up on him now.
  20. Yeah, it looks like you might start your Fantasy Football career by destroying our returning champ. I knew Arian Foster was someone that I wanted.
  21. I'm sure if you look hard enough there is a flower in there somewhere.
  22. Took some pics at the World Trade Center Light Memorial tonight.
  23. Some more from my boring ass flowers because I have nothing interesting to shoot series.
  24. VPI

    Sons Of Anarchy

    Huge Fan. The last 30 seconds of the season opener was insane. I do not know where they are going to go with this now.
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