I think some of the more important factors in choosing a camera cannot be determined without actually getting out to a store and experiencing the bodies in-hand. Once you have decided if you prefer one make's bodies over the other in form factor, control placement and choice of controls then there is really not a significant difference in the end result with the bodies you have listed if you are simply looking to get out and take pictures.
I am not sure about the 18-135IS but the 60D has beaten out the D7000 in every write-up and yearly contest I have seen so far and you state you prefer samples from the Canon camp so I certainly would not lean towards Nikon simply because you have an old lens lying around.
Out of the ones you have listed I would definitely choose the D700 as it is a much better camera than the others and I have no aversion to spending money. Of the others, the D300s seems to be very popular amongst the pro-sumerish market but I have never actually used one so I cannot comment. Everything else I am just going by all the reviews and the Camera of the year competitions that seem to be going to the 60D over the D7000s in saying I would choose one over the other as I have only used both a few times and mostly remember not liking button placement of the D7000.
Oh, for clarity, I am definitely not one of the crew that regards Nikon about Canon here and I am not sure I would even agree with it after spending a lot of time in this thread.