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Everything posted by VPI

  1. Last few. Dinny at dinner Stretch's little desktop speakers Ginormous Audez'e Speakers Al and JP riding the Sanders roller coaster
  2. JP put on an excellent event within an excellent event. He wore himself out making all of this happen and I have to say the end results were worth all his sacrifices. Had a great time hanging out with everyone, would have been better if some of the noticeable absentees had been present but I think we did the best we could to represent the HC Travel Team. I saw 4 different HC Travel Team bags in attendance.
  3. Sitting at the airport with Dinny trying to find him some canned NYC air to breathe. My favorite speakers were the Acapella Horns, Vandersteen 7, YG Anat References and the big Vivid Audio Vagina speakers. The wall mounted Unicorn Semen Cups ($3800) used at the the Vivid room must have been working as the speakers sounded great. I want to buy everything on Todd's table and I really liked the LCD-3s.
  4. More Gear Pics
  5. Have a fantastic Birthday Vicki!!
  6. Mores
  7. Rattle snake and pheasant hotdogs. --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=39.754475,-104.990638
  8. Pics so far
  9. At the airport awaiting boarding. This morning I cannot remember why I decided I needed to fly out this damn early.
  10. Yeah the notification center on the iPad is completely different.
  11. I got it all installed. I definitely prefer the message center to the old system. I think I prefer the old rectangular slider switch graphic to the new circle thing but I can live with it. I also like that you can still use the device while it is syncing unlike the old way where it locks up during the process.
  12. I didn't think iCloud worked until the end of the month. I have a developer iCloud thing running and I like it better than Mobile Me based solely on how it looks as I have never done anything with it.
  13. Downloading it now.
  14. The Airport Takeoff. I am not a very good packer as this thing is supposed to fit a lot more than I can jam in it. My biggest problem is the molded lens supports as they are too skinny to fit anything but my skinniest lenses. http://www.thinktankphoto.com/products/airport-takeoff-roller-camera-bag.aspx
  15. More camera luggage. Decided to get a suitcase version to augment the backpack that is coming.
  16. The S100 and Nex-7 most likely. Not sure about the Fuji yet.
  17. Just reporting that both my teams still suck. That is all.
  18. Bunch of stuff that was either not in stock or not released yet. Canon S100 Preorder Sony Nex-7 Preorder Fuji X100 and a camera backpack the ThinkTank Streetwalker Pro.
  19. Those are awesome shots. Can't wait to get out there.
  20. I think that would be you Brent. Everyone knows Google has a huge inferiority complex about getting dramatically less attention than iOS. If the nerd phone guys have any marketing people they would be told not to announce at the same time as a phone selling hundreds of thousands on the first day as it would be completely ignored.
  21. Excellent, I am there all day on Thursday before the show and fly out Sunday around noon and would really like to go along if you plan to go out during that time.
  22. Nice shots Steve. I hadn't even thought about trying to do some nature photography while I am out there next week for RMAF. Thanks for the comments everyone. Lots of photography coming up with RMAF, Village Halloween Parade so I needed to get out and see if I could still remember which buttons to push.
  23. I was lucky enough to have spent time with Steve on two occasions. While I have sat down with numerous world leaders, business icons and celebrities, Mr. Jobs has always stood out as my favorite celebrity meeting.
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